# ZriySpec 2.0.0[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT]
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# UpdateCheck Feature
UpdateCheck: true
UpdateCheckTime: 10000
# Lang config
NoPermission: "&7[&c×&7] &cYou don't have permission to do that!"
TeleportSelf: "&7[&c×&7] &cYou are not allowed to teleport yourself."
LeaveSpec: "&7[&a✓&7] &aLeave spec-mode."
NotFound: "&7[&c×&7] &cCan't found you enter player(s) name."
Spec: "&7[&a✓&7] &aSucceed! You have been spectator now!"
Teleport: "&7[&a✓&7] &aYou have been teleport %target%&7(&b%targetLocation%&7) &aas a spectator!"
LetTeleport: "&7[&a✓&7] &aYou made %target1% teleport %target2% as spectator."
Target1Teleport: "&7[&c!&7] &aYou teleport to %target2% as spectator."
Target2Teleport: "&7[&c!&7] &a%target1% teleport you as spectator."
Target1TeleportTrue: true
Target2TeleportTrue: true
The function can be turned into a spectator in place or teleported to another player to become a spectator mode, and the plug-in is light and easy to use.
Players are forbidden to teleport themselves
if you're interested in it, you might as well leave a five-star review