SurfAnnouncements icon

SurfAnnouncements -----

Schedule messages in your server.

This is a simple plugin that allows you to create a list of messages that are going to be displayed for all the players online.

There are some customizations that you can make, such as:

- Controlling the time between each message;
- Display the messages randomly or ordered;
- Use minimessage format instead of legacy codes.

Adding clickable messages:
- To add clickable messages, you must enable component. Here is an example of a clickable message:

Code (YAML):
"<click:run_command:'/tp 100 100 100'><green>Click here to teleport to a secret location!</green></click>"

#Modify according to your desired command.
Placeholder support:
- You can use the %player% placeholder in your messages:
Code (YAML):
"<green>Hello %player%, you are playing on the best minecraft server!</green>"
- /sa reload (reload the config.yml)

Feel free to join my discord and make sugestions or report bugs.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 123
First Release: Oct 20, 2024
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings