Overview: The Survey System plugin allows server administrators to create and manage surveys, enabling players to vote on various topics. With a simple and intuitive interface, players can express their opinions quickly and easily, making it perfect for community engagement.
Key Features:
Create Surveys: Easily set up surveys with customizable questions.
Voting System: Players can vote with clear options like "YES" or "NO".
Real-time Results: View the number of voters and results in real-time during the voting process.
Configurable Messages: Customize messages displayed to players for a seamless experience.
User-Friendly Commands: Simple commands to launch, manage, and view surveys.
/survey launch - Launch a new survey with specified options.
/survey clear - Clear the current survey data.
/survey stats - View statistics of the current survey.
/survey reload - Reload the configuration files.
survey.admin - Access to all administrative commands related to surveys (e.g., launching, clearing, and viewing stats).