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Xfilter -----

Customizable chat filter plugin to block unwanted words with unlimited filter options.

**Xfilter** is a powerful Minecraft plugin designed to maintain clean and safe communication within your server by filtering out unwanted words from player messages. Server administrators can easily manage the list of filtered words using commands, and the plugin supports an unlimited number of filtered words. When a player attempts to send a message containing any filtered word, the message is blocked, and a notification is sent to the player. Xfilter provides full flexibility to customize and update the filtered word list in real-time, ensuring smooth moderation without disrupting gameplay.

## Key Features:

Unlimited filtered words.

Real-time filtering of chat messages.

Easy-to-use commands for managing filtered words.

Only operators (OPs) can add or remove words from the filtered list.

# How to Use Xfilter:

- 1. Adding a Filtered Word:

Command: /xfilterword add <word> or /xfw add <word>

Example: /xfw add badword

This adds the specified word to the filtered word list. If the word is already filtered, you will receive a message saying it's already in the list.

- 2. Removing a Filtered Word:

Command: /xfilterword remove <word> or /xfw remove <word>

Example: /xfw remove badword

This removes the word from the filtered list. If the word is not found, you will be notified.

- 3. What Happens When a Player Uses a Filtered Word:

If a player sends a message containing a filtered word, the message will not be sent, and the player will receive a message: "Sorry, you can't send this message because you used a filtered word."

# Permissions:

Only OPs can use the commands to add or remove words from the filtered list.

Filtered words are stored in filteredwords.yml, and the plugin allows you to add unlimited words for filtering.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 22
First Release: Oct 15, 2024
Last Update: Oct 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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