# # Servers that prohibit from executing /lobby # block-command-on: - auth1
# # Anti-mistouch confirmation time # anti-mistouch-time: 3
# Seconds
# # Lobby matching rule # # HIGHEST - Prioritize the server with more players # RANDOM - Completely random # LOWEST - Prioritize the server with fewer players # matching-rule: RANDOM
# # Command to return to lobby (requires restart after changing) # lobby-commands: - lobby
- hub
- main
- fallback
# # Whether to prohibit players on any server configured in "lobbies" from executing /lobby # prevent-already-connected: true
# # Translations (Leave it blank and the message will not be sent) # messages:
connecting: "&aConnecting to %server%..." success: "&aSuccessfully connected to %server%!" already-connected: "&cYou are already in lobbies now!" connection-failed: "&cCannot connect you to any lobby server, please contact server administrators!" anti-mistouch: "&e&lPlease enter /lobby again within %seconds% seconds to return to the lobby! &7(Type /lobbymistouch to disable)" no-servers: "&cThere is no available lobby servers currently!" command-blocked: "&cYou cannot execute this command on the current server!" anti-mistouch-on: "&a/lobby anti-mistouch on!" anti-mistouch-off: "&c/lobby anti-mistouch off!" reloaded: "&aSuccessfully reloaded configuration!"