## Description: `BungeeJoinUser` is a lightweight and efficient plugin for BungeeCord networks, designed to notify your staff when players join the server. This plugin allows players with a specific permission to receive a custom, configurable message when someone connects, making it easier to monitor player activity and assist with server moderation.
### Main Features: - Sends a customizable join message whenever a player connects to the BungeeCord network. - Notifications are only sent to players with the `bungeejoin.join` permission. - Fully configurable message through the `config.yml` file. - Supports Minecraft color codes (using `&`) for message customization. - Lightweight and easy to use—perfect for networks with active staff.
### How to Use:
1. **Installation**: Simply place the `.jar` file in your BungeeCord plugins folder and restart your server.
2. **Required Permission**: Ensure that staff members or any player who should see join messages have the `bungeejoin.join` permission.
3. **Customization**: Edit the `config.yml` to personalize the join message. Use `%player%` to display the joining player's name.
### Example configuration (`config.yml`):
```yaml join-message: "&a[+] %player% has joined the server!"