EnderPearlLogic icon

EnderPearlLogic -----

A plugin that improves Ender Pearl use with cooldowns, messages, damage, sounds, and effects.

EnderPearlLogic - Enhance Your Ender Pearl Experience in Minecraft
EnderPearlLogic is an advanced and highly customizable Minecraft plugin that allows you to modify the behavior of Ender Pearls by adding cooldowns, configurable sounds, special effects, and customizable damage settings. With this plugin, server administrators can fully control how players use Ender Pearls, enhancing game balance and player enjoyment.

Main Features

Customizable Cooldown:
Set a cooldown period between Ender Pearl uses to prevent abuse and maintain fairness for all players. Customize the cooldown message for a more engaging player experience.

Fully Configurable Messages: All messages displayed to players, including cooldown, successful teleportation, and more, can be customized in the configuration file to fit your server's style and tone.

Customizable Ender Pearl Damage: Control how much damage an Ender Pearl deals when it hits an entity (mob or player). You can even disable the damage entirely if you prefer a more friendly approach.

Teleportation Effects: Apply special effects (such as speed, jump boost, or resistance) to players immediately after using an Ender Pearl. These effects are fully configurable, including type, duration, and intensity.

Reload Command (/enderpearllogic reload): Update the plugin configuration on the fly without needing to restart the server. Make changes and improvements without any interruptions.

Ender Pearl Spam Prevention: The cooldown is applied the moment an Ender Pearl is thrown, ensuring that players cannot spam Ender Pearls until the cooldown ends, while still allowing interaction with other world objects.

Customizable Sounds for Throwing and Impacting: Now you can configure specific sounds that play both when throwing the Ender Pearl and when it impacts. The sounds are fully customizable, including sound type, volume, and pitch, and they play at the correct location, enhancing player immersion.

Benefits for Your Server

Balance and Control:
Keep Ender Pearl usage balanced, preventing uncontrolled rapid teleportation that could provide unfair advantages.

Customized Player Experience: Enhance the user experience by adding personalized messages and special effects that make every teleportation unique.

Optimized for Performance: Designed to minimize server resource usage, employing efficient data structures and ensuring no memory leaks or server overloads occur.

Easy Configuration (config.yml):
Code (YAML):

# Cooldown in seconds for using Ender Pearls
: 10

# Customizable messages - Set to "none" to disable message sending.
: "&bEnderPearlLogic &8» " # Prefix that will appear at the beginning of each message
: "&7You must wait &c{time} &7seconds before using another Ender Pearl." # Message when the player has to wait to use the Ender Pearl
: "&7You used an Ender Pearl! Teleporting..." # Message when using the Ender Pearl
: "&aTeleportation successful!" # Success message when teleporting
: "&aEnderPearlLogic configuration reloaded successfully!" # Message when reloading configuration - Permission: enderpearllogic.reload
: "&cYou do not have permission to use Ender Pearls." # Message when the player does not have permissions - Permission: enderpearllogic.use

# Ender Pearl damage setup when hitting a mob or player
: true   # If true, the Ender Pearl deals custom damage when hitting an entity
: 5.0     # Amount of damage dealt when hitting a mob or player

# Setting the effect when teleporting
: true         # If true, an effect is applied when teleporting
: "SPEED"         # Type of effect (ex. SPEED, JUMP, STRENGTH)
: 5           # Duration of effect in seconds
: 1         # Effect level (ex. 0 for Speed I, 1 for Speed II)

# Setting the sound when launching the Ender Pearl - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
: true
: "ENTITY_ENDER_PEARL_THROW"   # Type of sound when throwing the Ender Pearl
: 1.0                       # Sound volume (typical range: 0.0 - 1.0)
: 1.0                         # Sound pitch (typical range: 0.5 - 2.0)

# Setting the sound when the Ender Pearl hits - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
: true
: "ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT"   # Type of sound when the Ender Pearl hits
: 1.0                       # Sound volume (typical range: 0.0 - 1.0)
: 1.0                         # Sound pitch (typical range: 0.5 - 2.0)

Use Cases

- Survival Servers:
Limit Ender Pearl usage to encourage a more strategic approach to exploration and combat.

- Mini-Game Servers: Add special effects after using Ender Pearls to provide unique and exciting game mechanics.

- PvP Servers: Control Ender Pearl usage to prevent players from quickly escaping during battles, ensuring fairer combat.


enderpearllogic.reload - Use command /enderpearllogic reload | Default: OP
- enderpearllogic.use - Use EnderPearls | Default: True


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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 62
First Release: Oct 8, 2024
Last Update: Oct 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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