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ThirdLife -----

第三人生 Thirdlife 重制版

目前,第三个 life 插件处于测试阶段。
/startgame:启动游戏。进入后,玩家在前 10 分钟内无法进行 pvp。每个玩家收集材料,直到决定获胜者(场上只剩下一名玩家)或管理员输入 /endgame 结束游戏
目前,第三个 life 插件处于测试阶段,所以只有中文版本。

At present, the third life plugin is in the testing phase.

I am working hard to make it better.

If you have any questions, please send them to the comment section!

Thank you for your support


Plugin function:

/Startgame: Start the game. After entering, players cannot engage in PVP for the first 10 minutes. Each player collects materials until the winner is determined (there is only one player left on the field) or the administrator inputs/endgame to end the game

/Endgame: End the game. After the administrator inputs this command, the ongoing game will be terminated.

At present, the third life plugin is in the testing phase, so there is only a Chinese version available.

At present, the Third Life plugin is in the testing stage, so there is only a Chinese version available.

I am working hard to make him better

If you have any questions, please feel free to send them to the comment section!

Thank you for your support
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 47
First Release: Oct 6, 2024
Last Update: Oct 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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