Sumo is a fast-paced, action-packed minigame where players face off in a 1v1 battle, aiming to knock their opponent off the platform. With simple yet intense gameplay, the goal is to push your rival off the platform while avoiding being knocked off yourself. Perfect for competitive arenas and minigame servers!
Fully costomisable messages.
Can join by challenging a player or joining a queue.
Fast setup only 3 commands.
1. Drop the plugin jar in to the plugins folder restart the server. 2. In the config make sure that all the materials and sounds match with your version (if they don't update them). 3. On the server run the "/sumo create <name>" command. 4. Set the 2 locations with "/sumo set location1 <name>" and "/sumo set location2 <name>" commands. 5. You're done!
Commands: /sumo create <name> - To create a game. /sumo set location1 <name> - To set the location 1 for the game. /sumo set location2 <name> - To set the location 2 for the game. /sumo reload - Reloads the config. /sumo with <name> - To sumo with a player. /sumo join - To join a sumo game.
Permissions: Sumo.use - to use the join and with commands. Sumo.admin - To set the game.
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
use_local_file: true
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: database
username: username
password: password
tablename: TennisPartyData
# Top 10 update rate (in seconds, 0 = disable) top_10_update_rate: 300
# Messages section message:
no_permission: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cYou don't have permission to do this!" game_name_already_exists: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cGame with this name already exists!" game_does_not_exist: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cGame doesn't exist!" game_created: "&8[&eSumo&8] &aGame created!" setup_game_location_1: "&8[&eSumo&8] &aLocation 1 set!" setup_game_location_2: "&8[&eSumo&8] &aLocation 2 set!" config_reloaded: "&8[&eSumo&8] &aConfiguration reloaded!" player_not_on_server: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cPlayer not online!" game_can_not_be_played_not: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cGame can't be played this moment!" you_are_already_in_game: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cYou're already in another game!" can_not_invite_yourself: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cYou can't challenge yourself!" asked_a_player: "&8[&eSumo&8] &fYou have challenged &e<player> &fto a sumo duel!" player_left_game: "&8[&eSumo&8] &e<player> &fleft the game." player_join_game: "&8[&eSumo&8] &e<player> &fjoined the game." game_over_won: "&8[&eSumo&8] &fGame over &e<player> &fwon the game!" already_asked: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cYou have already challenged someone!" request_expired: "&8[&eSumo&8] &cChallenge expired!" denied_request: "&8[&eSumo&8] &eYou have denied the challenge!" player_denied_your_request: "&8[&eSumo&8] &e<player> has denied your challenge!" player_died: "&8[&eSumo&8] &c<player> &fhas been knocked off!" player_lost_game: "&8[&eSumo&8] &eYou have lost the game!" player_won_game: "&8[&eSumo&8] &eYou have won the game!" settings:
max_game_seconds: 1800
best_of: 3
# false to disable it or any number. custom_knockback: 2.0
sound_countdown: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
sound_start_round: ITEM_TOTEM_USE
need_permission_to_use: false
enabled: true
world: world
x: 0.5
y: 100.0
z: 0.5
yaw: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
enabled: true
slot: 8
material: RED_BED
name: "&cLeave" lore: -
"&eClick to leave the lobby."
# Commands # you can use <player> when not using player mode ( give <player> gold ). # as well as <uuid> # format for permission commands: # '[PERMISSION]Some.MyPermissionNode <command>' # '[PERMISSION] give <player> minecraft:gold_ingot' win:
command: - 'give <player> minecraft:gold_ingot'
player: false
command: [] player: false
# Formats section formats:
title: "" subtitle: "&fRound starts in &e<countdown> &fseconds." start_round:
title: "" subtitle: "&fStart fighting!" score:
title: "&e<wins_1> &8- &e<wins_2>" subtitle: "&f<player_1> &8- &f<player_2>" won:
title: "&e<winner_player> &fwon the game!" subtitle: "&e<winner_player> &8[&e<winner_wins>&8] &8- &e<loser_player> &8[&e<loser_wins>&8]" help: -
"&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#" -
" &e&lHelp &r&e- &aSumo" -
"" -
"&e/sumo with <name> &8- &7To sumo with a player." -
"&e/sumo join &8- &7To join a sumo game." -
"&e/sumo join <game_name> &8- &7To join a sumo game." -
"" -
"&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#" help_admin: -
"&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#" -
" &e&lAdmin Help &r&e- &aSumo" -
"" -
"&e/sumo create <name> &8- &7To create a game." -
"&e/sumo set location1 <name> &8- &7To set the location 1 for the game." -
"&e/sumo set location2 <name> &8- &7To set the location 2 for the game." -
"&e/sumo reload &8- &7Reloads the config." -
"&e/sumo with <name> &8- &7To sumo with a player." -
"&e/sumo join &8- &7To join a sumo game." -
"&e/sumo join <game_name> &8- &7To join a sumo game." -
"" -
"&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#" ask:
accept: "[Accept]" deny: "[Deny]" lines: -
"" -
"&8&m &a" -
"" -
" &fPlayer &e<player> &fhas challanged you to a &esumo duel&f!" -
"" -
" &a&l<accept> &c&l<deny>" -
"" -
"&8&m &a" scoreboard:
enabled: true
title: Sumo Match
lines: - ''
- '&aTime: &f<game_time>' - ''
- '&a<name1>:'
- '&f<kills1>'
- '&a<name2>:'
- '&f<kills2>'
- ''
- '&'
Other plugins:
Before you buy the plugin make sure to read carefully this page just so you'll understand what you're getting.
Terms and conditions: This plugin cannot be refunded. You aren't allowed to redistribute/resell this plugin. You aren't allowed to modify or decompile the plugin.