THE SKELETON BOSSES introduces formidable skeleton bosses to your Minecraft world: The Skeleton Emperor, The Skeleton King and The Skeleton Winter Lord. These powerful entities spawn automatically in designated areas, boasting enhanced attributes that set them apart from ordinary skeletons. Defeat these challenging foes to claim unique and valuable loot, adding an exciting new dimension to your gameplay experience.
Two custom boss types: The Skeleton Emperor, The Skeleton King and The Skeleton Winter Lord.
Automatic, randomized boss spawning system
Enhanced boss attributes and abilities
Unique item drops from defeated bosses
Custom boss health bars
Intuitive command system for plugin interaction
Multi-language support (English and Spanish)
Highly customizable configuration options
To install TheSkeletonBosses, simply copy the TheSkeletonBosses.jar file into your server's plugins folder. Restart your server, and you're ready to go!
Follow these steps to configure TheSkeletonBosses:
Start your server with the plugin in the plugins folder
Navigate to the config.yml file in the TheSkeletonBosses folder within your plugins directory
Verify the world name where you want bosses to appear "spawn: world"
Adjust the coordinates for the central spawn point "spawn: location"
Set "spawn: enabled:" to true
In your server, execute the command "/mumc reload" to apply changes
Here's the default config.yml file:
Code (YAML):
# Prefix of the plugin prefix: "&l[TSB] &r"
# check in the /lang folder # Plugin language [en, es, other] language: "en" spawn:
enabled: false
# Name of the world where mobs will spawn world: "world"
# Time interval for mob spawning (1d = 1440 minutes, 1minute = 1 interval) interval: 1440
# Percentage of all bosses that will spawn chance: 100
# Reference position for mob spawning location:
x: -74
z: 296
# If commands_after_death is enabled, the default custom items will not drop, instead the command will be executed. # In both cases it will drop the experience. commands_after_death: false
# Skeleton King
########################### skeleton_king: # Appearance percentage relative to other bosses (0-100) percentage: 33.33
# color for bossbar, messages and custom items color: "&d"
# The unit of measurement is the amount of experience, not the number of levels. drop_experience: 350
title: "{boss_color}&l{boss_name} &c({health}/{max_health})❤" # The allowed colors are: # BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE YELLOW color: "PURPLE"
# you can add {player_killer} to the command # to refer to the player who killed the boss command: "give {player_killer} diamont 1"
# This option will only be executed if “commands_after_death” is set to true. command_for_nearby_players:
enabled: false
radius: 40
# Radius in blocks # uses {player} representing each nearby player command: "give {player} diamond 1"
# Skeleton Emperor
########################### skeleton_emperor: # Appearance percentage relative to other bosses (0-100) percentage: 33.33
# color for bossbar, messages and custom items color: "&6"
# The unit of measurement is the amount of experience, not the number of levels. drop_experience: 300
title: "{boss_color}&l{boss_name} &c({health}/{max_health})❤" # The allowed colors are: # BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW color: "YELLOW"
# you can add {player_killer} to the command # to refer to the player who killed the boss command: "give {player_killer} diamont 1"
# This option will only be executed if “commands_after_death” is set to true. command_for_nearby_players:
enabled: false
radius: 40
# Radius in blocks # uses {player} representing each nearby player command: "give {player} diamond 1"
# Skeleton Winter Lord
########################### skeleton_winter_lord: # Appearance percentage relative to other bosses (0-100) percentage: 33.33
# color for bossbar, messages and custom items color: "&b"
# Health of the Skeleton Winter Lord health: 300
# power of the skeleton winter lord's bow power: 25
# The unit of measurement is the amount of experience, not the number of levels. drop_experience: 300
title: "{boss_color}&l{boss_name} &c({health}/{max_health})❤" # The allowed colors are: # BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW color: "BLUE"
# you can add {player_killer} to the command # to refer to the player who killed the boss command: "give {player_killer} diamont 1"
# This option will only be executed if “commands_after_death” is set to true. command_for_nearby_players:
enabled: false
radius: 40
# Radius in blocks # uses {player} representing each nearby player command: "give {player} diamond 1"
Code (YAML):
# Messages in English plugin:
enabled: "plugin has been enabled!" disabled: "plugin has been disabled!" about:
welcome: "Welcome to Skeleton Bosses!" description:
- "TSB introduces formidable skeleton bosses to your Minecraft world: &6<he Skeleton Emperor and &dthe Skeleton King.
" - "These powerful entities automatically appear around the designated area and boast enhanced attributes that distinguish them from common skeletons.
" - "Defeat these challenging enemies to obtain unique and valuable loot, adding an exciting new dimension to your gaming experience.
commands: list: "List of commands
" player_only: "You can only use this command from within the game!
" help_text: "To see the list of commands, type
" reload: "Configuration reloaded!
" not_found: "Command not found!
" no_permission: "You don't have permission to use this command!
" already_exists: "You cannot generate another Boss because one already exists in the world.
" clear_records: "All the bosses' records have been deleted!
# Name of the bosses # Here are the values of the variable {boss_name} bosses_names: skeleton_king: "Skeleton King
" skeleton_king_sentinel: "Sentinel
# Name of the default items that drop when bosses are killed items_names:
bow: "Bow" sword: "Sword" helmet: "Helmet" boots: "Boots"
Code (YAML):
# Mensajes en español plugin:
enabled: "¡El plugin ha sido habilitado!" disabled: "¡El plugin ha sido deshabilitado!" about:
welcome: "¡Bienvenido a Los Jefes Esqueleto!" description:
- "TSB presenta formidables jefes esqueletos en tu mundo de Minecraft: &6&lel Esqueleto Emperador y &del Rey Esqueleto.
" - "Estas poderosas entidades aparecen automáticamente alrededor del área designada y cuentan con atributos mejorados que las distinguen de los esqueletos comunes.
" - "Derrota a estos desafiantes enemigos para obtener un botín único y valioso, lo que agregará una nueva y emocionante dimensión a tu experiencia de juego.
commands: list: "Listado de comandos
" player_only: "¡Solo puedes usar este comando desde el juego!
" help_text: "Para ver el listado de comandos, escribe
" reload: "¡Configuración recargada!
" not_found: "¡Comando
no encontrado!
" no_permission: "¡
No tienes permiso para usar este comando!
" already_exists: "No puedes generar otro Jefe porque ya existe uno en el mundo.
" clear_records: "¡Todos los registros de los Jefes han sido borrados!
# Nombre de los jefes # Aquí estan los valores de la variable {boss_name} bosses_names: skeleton_king: "Rey Esqueleto
" skeleton_king_sentinel: "Centinela
# Nombre de los objetos por defecto que dejan caer cuando mueren los jefes items_names:
bow: "Arco" sword: "Espada" helmet: "Casco" boots: "Botas"
Important Notes:
Bosses spawn one at a time. A new boss will only appear after the current one is defeated.
Each boss type has a spawn percentage relative to the other. By default, it's set to 50%, giving each an equal chance of appearing.
To customize boss rewards, you can enable command execution instead of default item drops. Change the variable “commands_after_death” to true, Modify the “bosses: skeleton_king: command” section in config.yml and specify the desired command, in the same way with the other Boss.
/tsb spawn [SkeletonKing | SkeletonEmperor | SkeletonWinterLord] Spawns a specific boss at the player's location.
/tsb reload Reloads the plugin configuration.
/tsb location Sends a message to the chat with the last registered coordinates of the boss..
/tsb clear Removes the logged data from the boss, it does not remove the boss only the logs.
/tsb author Shows information about the plugin author.
/tsb version Displays the current version of the plugin.
/tsb help Shows the list of available commands.
Supported Languages
English (en)
Spanish (es)
Others (template for adding new languages)
Enhance your Minecraft server with TheSkeletonBosses and prepare for epic battles against the Skeleton Emperor and Skeleton King!