Frustrated with existing block based claim plugins?
GriefPrevention is slow to support new Minecraft versions and lacks new features and updates.
GriefDefender is bloated with unnecessary systems and a thousand permissions with constant calls to LuckPerms, hurting performance and taking forever to setup correctly.
This plugin guarantees top-tier performance, using SQLite with advanced techniques like:
Even with 100+ players, it stays at 1% usage in spark reports, making it the most efficient and performant block based claim plugin available!
FEATURES Claiming System: Claim land effortlessly using a simple command and tool.
Claim Visualization Tool: Visually see the claim boundaries in-game with easy-to-use tools.
Claim Resizing Tool: Resize existing claims by moving the corners to new locations. This feature helps you adjust your claim area without having to unclaim and reclaim land.
Claim Flags and Options: Easily manage claim-specific options like flags, messages, and more through a user-friendly in-game interface. Customize how your claim behaves for different players.
Each claim has the following options that claim owners can customize.
Per Claim Options ====================== - Toggle TNT (Control TNT explosions in your claim.)
- Toggle Villager Interaction (Control if others can interact with villagers.)
- Toggle Access Interaction (Allows the use of doors, gates, trapdoors and pressure plates.)
- EnderPearl & Chorus Interaction (Control if others can use enderpearls & chorus fruit.)
- Raid Mechanics (Control if raids should happen in your claim. This needs a big claim with villagers at middle.)
- Toggle Lectern Reading (Controls if others can read from your lecterns.)
- Toggle Item Drop (Controls if others can drop items.)
- Toggle Item Pickup (Controls if others can pick up dropped items.)
- Toggle Wither Damage (Controls whether withers can damage blocks and entities in your claim.)
- Damage to Non-Hostile (Controls whether players can damage friendly mobs like animals.)
- Workbench Interaction (Controls whether players can use workbenches in the claim.)
====================== Custom Messages: Allows players to create a greeting and a farewell message.
Claim Visitors Info: Set your desired timezone in the config.yml and check the latest visitors of a claim.
Advanced Claim List: Shows a pretty list of all claims a player has with the option to teleport there if it is an admin.
Claim Selling System: Easily sell your claimed land at a custom price using the /claim sell command. Claim boundaries and size are validated before the sale, and prices are set by the player.
Claim Managers: Players can assign managers in their claims that can help them manage the claim with the flag options , messages, trust other players etc. Everything can be controlled from the gui.
This option appears only if a claim has a manager.
Inside options that controls what managers can do:
Allow managers to promote other players to managers. Allow managers to open and modify claim options. Allow managers to open and modify claim messages.
Pet Ownership Transfer: Transfer ownership of tamed pets to another player with the /givepet command. This feature ensures pets can move with their new owners while maintaining all permissions.
Claim Trust System: Allow other players to access or manage your claim by using the /trust and /untrust commands. Players can also be promoted to managers to assist with claim control.
Chest Protection System: Inspired by the LockettePro plugin, but made for modern 1.20+ minecraft versions, once again with the best performance out of all other plugins.
- Simply add any sign to a chest to protect it from everything!
- Add an other sign to add more allowed users.
- No complicated commands needed for 1.20+ servers, simple right click the sign.
- Compatible with all other protection plugins.
Integration & Support QuickShop (both normal and hikari version, prevents players from creating shops in non trusted claims.)
PlaceholderAPI (%simpleclaims_claimblocks% , returns the total claim blocks a player has.)
Vault (Used for the claim sell system.)
Protocollib (Used to visualize the blocks.)
Commands and Permissions
Description: Get the claim tool.
Usage: /claimtool
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: Unclaim your land.
Usage: /unclaim
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: Reload the plugin configuration.
Usage: /simpleclaimsreload
Permission: simpleclaims.admin.reload
Description: Migrate claims and data.
Usage: /migrate
Permission: simpleclaims.admin.migrate
Description: Trust a player in your claim.
Usage: /trust <player> [manager]
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: Remove a player’s trust in your claim.
Usage: /untrust <player>
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: View the list of players trusted in your claim.
Usage: /trustlist
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: Trust a player in all your claims.
Usage: /trustall <player>
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: Remove trust for a player in all your claims.
Usage: /untrustall <player>
Permission: simpleclaims.user
/claimflag (also claiminfo, claimoptions)
Description: Access claim options and settings GUI.
Usage: /claimflag
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: List all your claims or, if you are an admin, another player’s claims.
Usage: /claimlist [player]
Permission: simpleclaims.user (for personal claims) / simpleclaims.admin (for listing other players' claims)
Description: Manage or adjust claim blocks for a player.
Description: Transfer ownership of a pet to another player.
Usage: /givepet <player>
Permission: simpleclaims.user
/claim sell
Description: Sell your claim for a set price.
Usage: /claim sell <price> <name>
Permission: simpleclaims.user
Description: Open the GUI for claim house purchases.
Usage: /claimhouse
Permission: simpleclaims.user
For now the plugin offers a migration from GriefDefender only but if requested I can provide migration from GriefPrevention too!
1. Start your server with both SimpleClaims and GriefDefender installed.
2. Do not have other players online besides you.
3. Use /migrate.
4. Wait for it to finish, it will transfer all claims, trusted players and claimblock amounts to SimpleClaims!
5. When it says its done in the console, close the server and remove GriefDefender.
6. Done! You can start the server with just SimpleClaims.