A fully configurable plugin that allows you to create physical currency with with a dupe "control" system.
Commands (only for op/server):
- /CurrencyItem Distributor <Distributor-Name> [Player]
- /CurrencyItem Distributor <WITHDRAW/DEPOSIT> <CurrencyID> [Player]
- /CurrencyItem Entry <CurrencyID> [Player]
- /CurrencyItem Generate <CurrencyID> <Count> [Player]
Permissions :
- currencyitem.* : full plugin access
- currencyitem.commands : Permission that allow to use all commands
- currencyitem.signs.* : Permission that allow to fully edit signs
- currencyitem.signs.create : Permission that allow to create distributor signs
- currencyitem.signs.remove : Permission that allow to remove distributor signs
- currencyitem.signs.use : Permission that allow to interact with distributor signs
for all the items you are going to use for the plugin you can use the "custom-model-data" property which can be used for custom textures (some useful link):
- Database support (SQLite, MySQL, ...) for better log tracking.
- more permission on commands (and some for signs).