This plugin introduces an innovative knockout mechanic, offering players an alternative to outright elimination. When a player is knocked out, they become incapacitated, unable to take any actions. However, they can be revived by another player through interaction (by sneaking) or carried to a safer location. The downed player remains in this state until revived, dies immediately, or succumbs after a configurable duration.
_ _ _ _ . - = Preview = - . _ _ _ _ Example of a "knocking out" player.
Example of reviving a "knocked out" player.
Example of self-inflicted "knock out".
- = Support = - If you encounter any bugs, have questions or want to share some suggestions, feel free to
join my Discord server
- = Permissions = -
knockout.carry - Permission to use carry command -
knockout.drop - Permission to use drop command -
knockout.die - Permission to use die command -
knockout.revive - Permission to revive a player -
knockout.command - Permission to use commands when knocked out -
knockout.admin - Permission to use admin /knockout commands -
- = Commands = -
/die - Die at once when you are knocked out -
/carry - Carry a knocked out player -
/drop - Drop a carried player -
- = Admin Commands = -
/knockout revive <player> - Revive a player -
/knockout knockout <player> <seconds> - Knockout a player -
- You can specify knockout time (Default: 60) -
/knockout reload - Reload plugin configuration -
- = Placeholders = -
Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI:
%knockout_knocked_out% - TRUE if the player is knocked out; otherwise, FALSE -
%knockout_time_left% - the player's left knockout time -
%knockout_killer% - the name of the entity that knocked out the player -
%knockout_vehicle% - the name of the player carrying the knocked-out player -
%knockout_is_being_revived% - TRUE if the player is currently being revived; otherwise, FALSE -
%knockout_knockouts% - the number of knocked-out players on the server at the moment -
Config You can change plugin settings in the config.yml file:
Code (YAML):
# Time of knockout in seconds knockout-time: 60
# Amount of xp levels required to revive a player revive-levels: 5
# Time in seconds to revive a player revive-time: 10
# When true: add slowness effect for the player carrying a knocked out player slowness-for-carrier: true
# Slowness amplifier for the player carrying a knocked out player; Slowness level is equal to amplifier + 1 slowness-amplifier: 0
# When true: when carrying player is hit, drop the knocked out player drop-on-hit: true
# If true knocked out player will die when the knockout time ends otherwise will be revived death-on-end: true
# When true: player will have blindness effect when knocked out knockout-blindness: true
# Blindness amplifier for the knocked out player; Blindness level is equal to amplifier + 1 blindness-amplifier: 0
# When true: player will be able to move when knocked out move-when-knocked-out: false
# When true: player will be able to swim when knocked out swim-when-knocked-out: false
# When true: player will be able to jump when knocked out jump-when-knocked-out: false
# When true: it will be possible to attack knocked out players knockout-vulnerable: true
# When true: knocked out player will take damage on hit, else his knockout time will decrease damage-on-hit: true
# If damage-on-hit is false, it is amount of knockout time to be decreased on hit time-decrease-on-hit: 5
# When true: player will respawn in the specific location given below # Works only on 1.20.6+ versions # WARNING: If true, the player will respawn in this specific location even if it is not safe! Make sure to set it to a safe location! respawn-in-custom-location: false
# Specific location where the player will respawn # If world-name is empty or incorrect, the player will respawn in the same world where he was knocked out custom-location:
world-name: world
x: 0
y: 100
z: 0
# Message for the player when knocked out knockout-message: '&cYou have been knocked out! Ask someone to revive you or use /die to die at once.'
# Title message for the player when knocked out knockout-title: '&cKnockout'
# Subtitle message for the player when knocked out # Use variable %timer% to show the remaining knockout time knockout-subtitle: '
# Hologram title above the player when knocked out knockout-hologram: '&cKnockout'
# Message for the player who knocked out another player # Use variable %player% to show the knocked out player name knockout-attacker-message: '&aYou knocked out &f
# Title message for the player who knocked out another player # Use variable %player% to show the knocked out player name knockout-attacker-title: ''
# Subtitle message for the player who knocked out another player # Use variable %player% to show the knocked out player name knockout-attacker-subtitle: ''
# Message for not allowed actions when knocked out not-allowed-message: "&cYou can't do that when knocked out!"
# Message for the player with not enough levels to revive # Use variable %levels% to show the required levels no-levels-message: "&cYou don't have enough levels (%levels%) to revive that player"
# Title message for the rescuer when reviving # Use variable %percent% to show the progress of reviving # Use variable %loading-icon% to show the loading icon # Use variable %player% to show the rescued player name rescuer-reviving-title: '&aReviving
# Subtitle message for the rescuer when reviving # Use variable %percent% to show the progress of reviving # Use variable %loading-icon% to show the loading icon # Use variable %player% to show the rescued player name rescuer-reviving-subtitle: '
# Title message for the rescued when reviving # Use variable %percent% to show the progress of reviving # Use variable %loading-icon% to show the loading icon # Use variable %player% to show the rescuer player name rescued-reviving-title: '&aYou are being revived
# Subtitle message for the rescued when reviving # Use variable %percent% to show the progress of reviving # Use variable %loading-icon% to show the loading icon # Use variable %player% to show the rescuer player name rescued-reviving-subtitle: '
# Title message for the rescuer when revived # Use variable %player% to show the rescued player name rescuer-revived-title: '&aYou revived &f
# Subtitle message for the rescuer when revived # Use variable %player% to show the rescued player name rescuer-revived-subtitle: ''
# Title message for the rescued when revived # Use variable %player% to show the rescuer player name rescued-revived-title: '&aYou live again!'
# Subtitle message for the rescued when revived # Use variable %player% to show the rescuer player name rescued-revived-subtitle: '&aYou have been revived by &f
# Successful revive message for the rescuer # Use variable %player% to show the rescued player name rescuer-revived-message: ''
# Successful revive message for the rescued # Use variable %player% to show the rescuer player name rescued-revived-message: ''
# Message when the player uses /die command and is not knocked out invalid-die-message: "&cYou can use that command only when knocked out!"
# Message when the player uses /drop command and is not carrying any knocked out player invalid-drop-message: "&cYou are not carrying any knocked out player!"
# Message when the player uses /carry command and there is no knocked out player nearby invalid-carry-message: "&cThere is no knocked out player nearby!"
# Message when the player uses /carry command and is already carrying a knocked out player already-carrying-message: "&cYou are already carrying a knocked out player!"
# Message when the player doesn't have permission to do something no-permission-message: "&4You don't have permission to do that!"
# Aliases for the commands # Restart the server after changing the aliases aliases:
carry: - podnies
drop: - zrzuc
die: - zgin
knockout: - ko
# BETA - Use with caution # Commands to run from console. # Variable %player% is the knocked out player # Use DELAY <ticks> to delay the command execution # 20 ticks = 1 second # Example: # - playsound minecraft:entity.zombie.death player %player% ~ ~ ~ 10 1 1 # - say &cPlayer fainted from breaking his legs # - DELAY 40 # - say &eWill anyone help &f%player%&e?
# Run console commands when a knockout happens. console-knockout-commands: -
# Run console commands during knockout on a loop. # Use DELAY <ticks> to delay commands execution or the server will crash console-knockout-loop-commands: -
# Run console commands after knockout. console-after-knockout-commands: -
# Run console commands after revive. console-after-revive-commands: -
[!] This plugin was inspired by mechanics featured on other Minecraft servers. [!]