BetterTPA is an advanced TPA-Plugin with great
customization features and
language support.
- Manage request via Clickable Chat
- Ignore requests
- Teleport Warmup
- Request Cooldown
- Bypass-Permission
- Tab completion
- Customizable messages
/tpa <Player> - Requestplayer to teleport to him.
/tpahere <Player> - Requestplayer to teleport to you.
/tpahereall - Request all players to teleport to you.
/tpaccept [Player] - Accept the TP-Request of the player, or the latest if only one request exists.
/tpdeny [Player] - Deny the TP-Request of the player, or the latest if one one exists.
/tpalist - List all pending TP-Requests.
/tpaignore <Player> - Ignore TP-Requests from this player.
/tpaignoreall - Ignore all incoming TP-Requests.
/tpa reload - Reload the plugin configuration.
bettertpa.tpahereall: Request all players to your location.
bettertpa.warmup.bypass: Ignore teleport warmup timer.
bettertpa.cooldown.bypass: Ignore request cooldown timer.
bettertpa.tpaignore.bypass: Prevent getting ignored.
bettertpa.reload: Reload the configuration.
Config files
Code (Text):
# Config version: Do not touch this.
version: 1.0
# Language file. Will look for a file called <ARG>.yml in the lang folder.
# If the file does not exist, it will be automatically created for you to edit.
# Example: 'en' will look for /lang/en.yml
language: en
# Time (in s) until a tpa request will expire.
request-duration: 60
# Warmup time (in s) to wait after an accepted tpa request, before teleporting the player.
# Set to 0 to disable warmup.
teleport-warmup-time: 0
# Cooldown time (in s) to prevent further tpa requests from a player, if the last one was denied.
# Set to 0 to disable cooldown.
request-cooldown: 10
# Enable debug messages.
debug: false
If you need any help feel free to contact me on SpigotMC or create an issue on GitHub.