Proximity Text Chat (Cheap Life Version) icon

Proximity Text Chat (Cheap Life Version) -----

it's like proximity voice chat, but for text

Proximity Text Chat
The proximity text chat plugin made for the Cheap Life series (used from Limited Time Offer onward)

To send a proximity message, put a period before your message.
"There's nothing happening." -> ".There's nothing happening."

In the config there are a couple values that can be changed
textChatFadeDistance - the distance at which a proximity message will start to be obfuscated
textChatCutDistance - the maximum distance at which a proximity message can be "heard"
spectatorsCanChat - if players in spectator mode will be allowed to use chat
forceProximity - if all messages should be in proximity chat regardless of whether they have a period before them or not.

Obfuscation changes
As a message gets obfuscated, several things about the message can be changed.
Vowels can be switched out with other vowels
Numbers can be switched
Words can be cut out and replaced with "..."

If you do not want to use obfuscation, set the textChatFadeDistance to the same value as the textChatCutDistance.

obfuscation example:
the phrase "I finally got the wildfire in my sock drawer under control" may be displayed to another player that is farther away as "I fanally got thu waldfire in ... sock drawar under cantrol"
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25
First Release: Sep 29, 2024
Last Update: Sep 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings