Disclaimer: This plugin is NOT a full Grief Prevention plugin, this ONLY adds additional features to the parent plugin.
Latest SNAPSHOTs are available in my discord server:
Disable placing lava, TNT and pistons outside claims.
Per world claim size limit.
Require claims world. Players will require to claim per world.
Configurable messages.
How to install?
Download GriefPrevention plugin and this addon and place it in your server's plugins folder.
Restart the server.
make changes to config.yml as per your need.
Code (YAML):
default: op
description: Allows the user to reload the plugin
default: op
description: Allows the user to place restricted blocks outside of claims
default: op
description: Allows the user to create claims that are too big for the world
default: op
description: Allows the user to build in worlds that require claims without a claim
Code (YAML):
# Do NOT touch this unless you know what you are doing! debug: false
# ----------------
# Worlds to disable the module in disabled-worlds: - spawn
# Per world limit, set 0 to disable claiming in that world. per-world-limits:
- world: world
limit: 100
- world: world_nether
limit: 0
- world: world_the_end
limit: 0
# Worlds that require claims to build in. Players will not be able to build in these worlds without a claim. require-claims: - spawn
- market
#Messages: Use § for color codes NOT & messages:
prefix: "§7[§6Claims§7] " cannot-place: "§cYou can only place this block inside claims!" claim-too-big: "§cThis claim is too big for this world!" claim-not-allowed: "§cYou can't create claims in this world!" require-claim: "§cYou need to make a claim to build here!"