The /ban-uuid command allows administrators to ban players from the server by specifying either their player name or UUID. This Skript also supports unbanning players and viewing the list of banned players.
- /ban-uuid <player> [reason]
- Permission: ban.uuid
- Usage: Bans a player by their name or UUID. You can optionally provide a reason for the ban. If no reason is specified, the default reason will be "No reason specified."
- Examples:
- /ban-uuid Player123 Hacking
- /ban-uuid 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Griefing
- /pardon-uuid <player or UUID>
- Permission: pardon.uuid
- Usage: Unbans a player using their name or UUID, removing them from the banned list.
- Example: /pardon-uuid Player123
- /banlist-uuid
- Permission: banlist.uuid
- Usage: Displays a list of all UUID-banned players, along with the reason for each ban.
- Example: /banlist-uuid
- Bans can be applied to both online and offline players.
- Banned players are kicked immediately if they are online when banned.
- The reason for the ban is stored and displayed when a banned player attempts to connect.
- Administrators can easily pardon players or review all currently banned players.
Additionally, a help message can be accessed via /ban-uuid help, which provides a quick guide on using the banning system.