AutoShutdown icon

AutoShutdown -----

Automatically stop your server after no players have been online for a specific amount of time.

Automatically stop/shutdown your server after no players have been online for a specific amount of time. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why? This frees up resources on your system and can minimize the risk of unwanted attention to your server while no one is there to monitor it.

  • Put the .jar file in your plugins or mods folder (depending on server loader you are using).
  • Run the server once to generate the config file and stop it again
  • Change any config values if wanted
  • Run the server again
  • The plugin/mod should now be working


value loader * explanation
initial_delay bukkit, fabric Specifies the delay before the first check for 'online players'.
polling_delay fabric The amount of time between each check for 'online players'
shutdown_delay bukkit, fabric Timeframe after the last person has left the server (or after the initial delay has ended), until the server is actually shut down. If a new player joins the server within this timeframe, the shutdown process will be cancelled.
enable_logging bukkit, fabric Whether or not basic information should be logged to the console. When disabled, warnings and errors will still be logged but no basic information.

* Depending on the version of the plugin/mod you are using (e.g. bukkit or fabric) some values might or might not be relevant to you and thus not exist within your config file. The plugin/mod itself however will still work perfectly fine :). For the values that do exist, you can find their explanation here.

Help! Which version do I use?
- For any minecraft servers based on fabric (e.g. fabric, quilt, etc.) use the version annotated with [fabric].
- For servers based on bukkit (e.g. craftbukkit, spigot, paper, etc.) use the [bukkit] annotated version.

Questions, bugs or feature requests?
Please use the github issues page for this as I will probably not read this spigot page that often.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 62
First Release: Sep 22, 2024
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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