WeatherControl is a Minecraft plugin that allows you to control the weather and time on the server using a vote or manually. The plugin also supports automatic weather cycles.
Weather and Time of Day Voting: Players can initiate a vote to change the weather or time of day.
Automatic Weather Change: The plugin allows you to set up automatic weather changes at a certain interval.
Manual Control: Administrators can manually change the weather and time of day using commands.
Custom Messages: All plugin messages are configurable via the config file.
Full Permissions Support: Manage access to commands with the permissions system.
Download the latest release of the plugin from the releases page.
Copy the `.jar` file to the `plugins` folder of your Minecraft server.
Restart the server or use the `/reload` command to activate the plugin.
Configure the plugin by editing `config.yml` in the plugins folder.
⚙️ Configuration
The plugin configuration is located in the `config.yml` file. In it you can set up automatic weather change, duration of voting and change all messages.
/weather <sunny/rain/thunder> — Change weather.
/timecontrol <day/night> — Change time of day.
/voteweather — Start voting for changing weather.
/votetime — Start voting for changing time of day.
/castvote <weather/time> <yes/no> — Vote for changing weather or time.