Defenestrate - Throw Blocks, Entities, and your Friends! icon

Defenestrate - Throw Blocks, Entities, and your Friends! -----

Window not required!

This is a spigot plugin designed to give players the ability to pick up and throw most blocks and entities in the game. You can customize the throw power individually for blocks, players, and entities, and can disable the throwing of any group if you so choose.

Simply crouch and right click with no item in your main hand to pick a Player, Entity, or Block up. After that, look in the direction you want to launch, and left click to throw!
Note: This will not work if the block/entity you are trying to pick up/throw is in the spawn protection set in and your player is not an operator (this can be disabled in the game settings too!)

Don't believe me? Watch the Stridsfordon-style demonstration video!

Installation and Setup
To install, simply add the latest release to the Plugins folder in any spigot fork server and run /reload

Settings can be either changed in the plugin config file, or by using the in-game /dSettings command.
The /dSettings command works as follows:
/dSettings list - Lists all settings and their respective values
/dSettings get <setting> - Returns the value of the specified setting
/dSettings set <setting> <value> - Sets the value of the specified setting to the specified value
/dsettings blacklist <addBlock/removeBlock> <block> - Adds or removes a block from the blacklist
/dsettings blacklist <addEntity/removeEntity> <entity> - Adds or removes an entity from the blacklist
/dsettings blacklist <listBlock/listEntity> - Returns a list of the blacklist for the specified category

A full list of settings can be found here:
Power settings:
- playerThrowPower (Default: 1.6) - The power at which players are thrown
- entityThrowPower (Default: 1.6) - The power at which other entities are thrown
- blockThrowPower (Default: 1.6) - The power at which blocks are thrown

Feature toggles:
- playerThrowEnabled (Default: true) - If any player will be allowed to throw players
- entityThrowEnabled (Default: true) - If any player will be allowed to throw other entities
- blockThrowEnabled (Default: true) - If any player will be allowed to throw blocks

Permission settings:
- throwPlayersRequiresPermission (Default: false) - If players need a permission to throw players (only used if playerThrowEnabled is true)
- throwEntitiesRequiresPermission (Default: false) - If players need a permission to throw entities (only used if entityThrowEnabled is true)
- throwBlocksRequiresPermission (Default: false) - If players need a permission to throw blocks (only used if blockThrowEnabled is true)

Other settings:
- oldBlockHandling (Default: false) - Uses a simpler method of handling the picking up and throwing of blocks (not recommended, more info further)
- useCustomSounds (Default: false) - If you want to make a custom texture pack that replaces sounds for picking up, throwing, and when a block lands, enable this option. Enable this option without any texture pack to disable this plugin's sounds. The sounds to overwrite would be "defenestrate.pickup", "defenestrate.throw", and ""
- blockDespawnMinutes (Default: 5) - The amount of minutes before a custom block entity will despawn after being thrown. Disabled when value is 0
- ignoreSpawnProt (Default: false) - If the plugin should ignore spawn protection, and allow things to be picked up inside of it from non-operators.
- allowStealing (Default: true) - If players should be allowed to steal blocks and entities off of other players' heads

There is no built-in permissions manager in this plugin. However, if you wish to set up ranks to give players permission to use parts of this plugin, you can use a permission manager such as LuckPerms to give players these permissions.

defenestrate.players - Permission for throwing players (only required if throwPlayersRequiresPermission is true)
defenestrate.entities - Permission for throwing entities (only required if throwEntitiesRequiresPermission is true)
defenestrate.blocks - Permission for throwing blocks (only required if throwBlocksRequiresPermission is true)
defenestrate.settings - Permission needed for non-operators to use /dSettings
- Grants every permission listed

Old Block Handling
The old block handling method uses Minecraft's "falling block" entity. The issue with this is that falling blocks have a habit of just... randomly breaking. If you pick a block up while crouching and just in general being in the wrong area, the block will just drop. Even more than that, when falling blocks land, there's a stupidly large chance that the block just drops as an item instead of being placed as a block.

My solution to this is to create a ""custom"" block entity using the 1.19.4 Block Displays and Interactions, along with a very shrunk down baby zoglin to handle the gravity. This means that the block entities are actually 3 entities stacked on top of each other. If your server starts lagging because of players throwing blocks, it may be worth it to use the old block handling.

Other Notes
(just one for now)
If the block throw power is set to exactly 1.5, throwing a block directly upwards will cause it to be placed as a block in midair. Powers 1.51 and 1.49 have been tested and work as usual. This is because of a coincidence in timing where the block will have the exact same velocity as an unmoving block when the plugin checks it. Fixing this would require much more processing power than it is worth.

Issues and Additional Features

If you've found an issue with the plugin or have a request for a new feature, head over to the issues page and create an issue. Please be sure to include as much detail about the bug/feature request as possible in the issue.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 237
First Release: Sep 4, 2024
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings