Ever wanted a plugin to summon a falling chest (or multiple!) that contains loot? Well here it is!
Warning: 1.1.1 IS THE LAST VERSION WITH 1.20.6 AND BELOW SUPPORT. Feature updates will now exclude versions 1.20.6 and below.​
How to load To use this plugin, simply pop it into your plugins folder, and restart your server or load it with plugman! The config files will be auto generated and validated. Afterwards, any config file changes can be reloaded without restarting or plugman.
Other info This plugin supports SaberFactions and WorldGuard. It will work with them as long as they are enabled and installed!
I have only done testing on the plugin from versions 1.21 and above, and the plugin
WILL break when used with older versions.
Arguments in CAPS are to be replaced with the values you want.
Players with spaceflares.* or spaceflares.admin permission can use all commands.
Command aliases: spaceflares, spaceflare, spacef, sflare, sf
/spaceflares give PLAYER FLARE AMOUNT
Permission: spaceflares.give
Description: Gives flare item(s) to player / self.
/spaceflares give xu_yukun Example 32
/spaceflares give xu_yukun Example
/spaceflares give Example 32
/spaceflares give Example
/spaceflares reload OR /envoys reload
Permission: spaceflares.reload
Description: Reloads all configuration files and cancels active flares / envoys.
/spaceflares redeem OR /envoys reload
Permission: spaceflares.redeem
Description: Opens flare OR envoys flare redeeming GUI.
/spaceflares summon FLARE X Y Z
Permission: spaceflares.summon
Description: Spawns a spaceflare at specified location.
/spaceflares summon Example -1 2 3
/spaceflares summon Example ~ ~ ~
/spaceflares summon Example ~-20 ~30 ~20
/spaceflares summon -20 ~30 ~-50
/spaceflares help OR /envoys help
Permission: spaceflares.help
Description: Sends command and permissions help message for flares / envoys.
/envoy list
Permission: spaceflares.list
Description: Shows a list of all envoys.
/envoy query ENVOY
Permission: spaceflares.query
Description: Queries current status of specified envoy.
/envoy edit ENVOY
Permission: spaceflares.edit
Description: Toggles edit mode for specified envoy.
/envoy start ENVOY
Permission: spaceflares.start
Description: Force starts the specified envoy. Works the same as a flare.
/envoy stop ENVOY
Permission: spaceflares.stop
Description: Force stops the specified envoy.
I live in Singapore, so if I don't answer your queries, I may be asleep! Do be patient
Please use
this form or the GitHub issues page for bug reports and suggestions.