ServerShout 2
ServerShout is a Cross-Server Shout and Invite plugin for Bukkit/BungeeCord/Velocity. It features high performance and a high degree of customization, and it is compatible with PlaceholderAPI and LuckPerms.
Cross-Server Shout
Cross-Server Invite
Message Mute
Commands & Permissions
/ss help - Get help
/ss reload - Reload configuration
/ss token list - List all tokens
/ss token create <NAME> - Create new token
/ss token delete <NAME> - Delete token
/ss balance get <PLAYER> <TOKEN> - Check player token balance
/ss balance set <PLAYER> <TOKEN> <AMOUNT> - Set player token balance
/ss balance give <PLAYER> <TOKEN> <AMOUNT> - Give tokens to player
/ss balance take <PLAYER> <TOKEN> <AMOUNT> - Take tokens from player - Allows use of /ss help
servershout.reload - Allows use of /ss reload
servershout.token.list - Allows use of /ss token list
servershout.token.create - Allows use of /ss token create
servershout.token.delete - Allows use of /ss token delete
servershout.balance.get - Allows use of /ss balance get
servershout.balance.set - Allows use of /ss balance set
servershout.balance.give - Allows use of /ss balance give
servershout.balance.take - Allows use of /ss balance take
servershout.update.notify - Allows receiving update notifications
BungeeCord Command:
/ssb | Velocity Command:
⭐ Default Shout format:
⭐ Default Invite format:
/invite <MESSAGE>
PlaceholderAPI Placeholders
the player's token amount
LuckPerms Meta Placeholders
In shout.yml, you can configure the show of a player's LuckPerms Meta value in messages.
For example:
{luckperms_meta_prefix} displays the prefix Meta value, i.e., the player's prefix
Other Meta values can be managed via
/lp user <player> meta
- Download the jar file and place it in the plugins directory of the proxy (BungeeCord/Velocity) (required)
- Place the jar file in the plugins directory of Bukkit as the management end of ServerShout (optional).
- Restart the server.
- Edit config.yml to configure the database and reload the plugin (optional). If the database is not configured, player tokens will not be deducted, and players can send messages without restrictions.