EmeraldsCORE:  Cross-Server Cash | Tokens | Features | Ranks | Jobs | Chat Tools| Rewards + MORE icon

EmeraldsCORE: Cross-Server Cash | Tokens | Features | Ranks | Jobs | Chat Tools| Rewards + MORE -----

[20%OFF] All-in-one plugin for smooth and efficient server management/features. Cross-server support

Emeralds Core v1.0a

Emeralds Core is the ultimate lightweight server essentials plugin for Minecraft, designed to make managing your server/s/ easier and more efficient. Built for Spigot 1.21, it offers essential commands, enticing events, and advanced features without the bloat of traditional server plugins. With a clean interface, Vault integration, and MySQL cross-server integration, it brings everything from economy management to custom token shops in one powerful plugin.

Let’s explore everything Emeralds Core offers!

Features Overview
Emeralds Core includes a wide range of features to cater to server admins and players alike. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Cash Management: Manage player balances, view top balances, and transfer money between players.
    • [​IMG]
  • Token System: Tokens with a top tokens leaderboard and an in-game token shop.
    • [​IMG]
  • Rank System: Manage player ranks and provide exclusive rank-based rewards.
    • [​IMG]
  • ⚒ Gameplay Enhancements: Includes commands for teleportation, game mode switching, fly mode, and more.
    • [​IMG]
  • Administrative Tools: Broadcast messages, manage chat channels, and moderate the server efficiently.
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
  • Economy Integration: Offers cross-server cash and token management, with Vault integration for seamless handling.
    • Install the CORE on each of your Spigot servers (optionally install EmeraldsBUNGEE to enable cross-server chat option)
  • Discord Integration: Sync your server chat messages and job posting activities with your Discord community.
    • [​IMG]
  • ‍‍ Job Listings: Players can list jobs, see job offers, and manage tasks.
    • [​IMG]
  • Timed Rewards: Rewards for player activity, including timed XP and cash bonuses.
  • Random Block Rewards: Configure chances for diamond and emerald blocks to drop while mining.
Here's a full list of the commands you can use in Emeralds Core, categorized for easy reference.

Economy Commands

Command Description // Permission
Display your balance.
/bal (player) Display another player's balance.
/baltop Display top balances.
/pay (player) <amount> Pay a player a specified amount.
/setbal (player) <amount> Set a player's balance.
/takebal (player) <amount> Take a specified amount from a player.
/givebal (player) <amount> Add a specified amount to a player's balance.

Token Commands
Command Description // Permission
Display your token balance.
/tokens (player) Display another player's token balance.
/tokenstop Display the top token balances.
/tokenshop Open the token shop.
/buytokens Buy tokens with in-game currency.
/givetokens (player) <amount>


Gameplay Commands
Command Description // Permission
Teleport to your last death location.
/fly Toggle fly mode.
/fly (player) Toggle another player's fly mode.
/flyspeed (1-10) Adjust your flight speed.
/gm (s/c/a/spectator) Set your game mode.
/cfurnace Claim nearby furnace contents.
Administrative Commands
Command Description // Permission
/broadcast <message>
Broadcast a message to all players.
/clearchat Clear the chat.
/boost Launch yourself into the air with a firework.
/staffchat <message> Send a message through staff chat.

Rank System Commands
Command Description Permission
/rank (user) <rankName>
Set a player's rank or group.
/rankshop Open the rank shop.

Timed Rewards & AFK Commands
Command Description Permission
Toggle AFK mode.
Timed XP & Cash Set up through emeralds.yml for playtime rewards.
emeraldscore.vipxp (XP) & emeraldscore.vipcash(Cash)​
Emeralds Core provides a flexible permission system for managing access to various features.

Note: To ensure these permissions work correctly, a permission management plugin like LuckPerms is recommended.

Configuration & Setup
Database Connection
Emeralds Core requires a MySQL database to function correctly. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Load the plugin and stop the server.
  2. Open the emeralds.yml configuration file. Edit the defaults.
  3. Add your MySQL database credentials under the Database section.
  4. Reload or restart the server to apply the changes.
‍‍ Job Listing System
The job system allows players to list and manage jobs with customizable pricing. Jobs can be configured in the jobs.yml file. You can also add a Discord Webhook (your channel ID) for jobs to post to your Discord channels. DiscordSRV is required for this.
  • Commands:
    • /job list <price> - Lists a job for a specified price.
  • Menu:
    • /jobs - Opens the job selection menu for players.
Random Block Rewards
Emeralds Core allows you to configure block drop rewards for different ranks:
  • Diamond/Emerald Blocks can drop from Stone or Cobbled Deepslate.
  • Configurable chances through blockRewards.yml.
Mining Pouch Crafting
Players can craft a Mining Pouch to store mined resources efficiently.
Automatically collects and allows users to withdrawal collected mineable items.
  • Permission: emeraldscore.pouch
  • Use /craftpouch to access crafting functionality.
External Integrations
Emeralds Core integrates seamlessly with:
  • Vault for economy and permission management.
  • BungeeCord for cross-server communication.
  • Discord for linking in-game events with Discord notifications.
To use Emeralds Core effectively, you will need:
  • MySQL Database **REQUIRED**
  • Vault
  • A Permission Plugin (e.g., LuckPerms)
Why Choose Emeralds Core?

Emeralds Core is a lightweight alternative to other essentials plugins like EssentialsX—offering streamlined features without the unnecessary bloat. Whether you’re managing a small survival server or a large network, Emeralds Core helps keep your server running smoothly while providing exciting features for your players.

Emeralds Core is the go-to plugin for Spigot 1.21, giving your Minecraft server the essentials it needs to succeed. Simplify server management, empower your players, and enhance the experience today!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2
First Release: Sep 4, 2024
Last Update: Sep 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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