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pyFreeze -----

Easily freeze players and take control during screenshares!

pyFreeze - Minecraft Freeze Plugin


PyFreeze is a Minecraft plugin designed to help administrators easily freeze players during screenshares or other administrative activities. When a player is frozen, they cannot move, open menus, or execute commands (unless allowed by the admin). This plugin is particularly useful in monitoring and controlling player activities to ensure a fair gameplay environment.

In game view

- Player Freeze Command: Instantly freeze players to prevent them from moving or performing any actions.
- Customizable Notifications: Send customizable messages to frozen players, including titles and chat notifications.
- Automatic Unfreeze on Disconnect: If a player disconnects while frozen, they will be automatically unfrozen upon reconnect, and a notification will be sent to the server.
- Link Notifications: Periodically send a customizable message with a link to frozen players.
- Command Whitelist: Allows frozen players to execute specific commands as defined by the admin.
- Particle Effects: Display customizable particle effects around frozen players for a visual indication.

How It Works
When you freeze a player with the `/pyfreeze` command, the player will be completely immobilized, unable to perform any actions. You can specify a link that will be sent to them periodically, and particles will appear around them, indicating their frozen state. If their inventory is full during the freeze, they will receive a notification, and any drops will fall to the ground.

● /pyfreeze (name) - freezes a player
● /pyfreeze unfreeze (name) - unfreezes a player
● /pyfreeze reload - reloads the plugin configuration

Support & Feedback
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for future features, feel free to reach out via Discord (666pyke) or leave a comment on the plugin page.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 33
First Release: Sep 1, 2024
Last Update: Sep 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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