Do you have a villager hall and hate it when a villager dies mysteriously or without your knowledge?
If so this plugin is for you!
Villager Announcer is a higher customizable but simple plugin.
By default when a villager is killed or infected it will be announced to all players with the details.
It will also play a sound which you can customize.
Optional integration with DiscordSRV is included and enabled by default.
If you have DiscordSRV enabled and have a main text channel enabled it will automatically send messages to it. Can be disabled if desired.
Here is the default config file:
Code (Text):
enabled: true
play-sound: true
sound-name-wandering-trader: 'ENTITY_WANDERING_TRADER_DEATH'
# use 0 for unlimited radius
max-broadcast-radius: 0
# if you're traded with a villager previously then you will get notified
# note this is only compatible on Paper servers
only-broadcast-if-traded-with: false
# optionally limit broadcasts to specific worlds
broadcast-worlds: ['*']
# only broadcasts if they were formally normal villagers
broadcast-zombie-villager-deaths: true
# villagerannouncer.receive-broadcasts
players-require-premissions: false
# if DiscordSRV is installed then send any messages to the main text channel
discordsrv-send-message-to-main-channel: true
# this is only applicable if you have world filtering
# or are using player permisisons
log-messages-to-console: true
include-wandering-trader: false
# messages are formatted with MiniMessage
# for information go to
# all four of these settings will populate the %villager% variable:
villager: 'villager'
baby-villager: 'baby villager'
zombie-villager: 'zombie villager'
baby-zombie-villager: 'baby zombie villager'
wandering-trader: 'wandering trader'
# populates %location% variable:
location: '<reset>( <color:gold>XYZ: %x% %y% %z%, <color:yellow>in <color:green>%world-name%</color>)'
# if you want a clickable link with a URL, use the example below:
#location: '<reset><click:OPEN_URL:;%x%,%y%,%z%>( <color:gold>XYZ: %x% %y% %z%, <color:yellow>in <color:green>%world-name%</color>)</click>'
villager-message-with-profession: '<color:yellow>A %villager% has died! Profession: %villager-profession%, level: %villager-level% %location%'
villager-message: '<color:yellow>A %villager% has died! %location%'
villager-infection-with-profession: '<color:yellow>A %villager% has been infected by %entity%! Profession: %villager-profession%, level: %villager-level% %location%'
villager-infection: '<color:yellow>A %villager% has been infected by %entity%! %location%'
death-by-entity: '<color:yellow>A %villager% was killed by %entity% %location%'
death-by-misc: '<color:yellow>A %villager% died by %death-cause% %location%'
wandering-trader-death: '<color:yellow>A %wandering-trader% has died! %location%'
wandering-trader-death-by-entity: '<color:yellow>A %wandering-trader% was brutally murdered by <color:red>%entity%<color:yellow>! %location%'
If you have questions or feature requests please join the
discord server.