Warps Skript
A well done warps skript
• Easy to Use
• Quick Support
• Customizable
The discord also offers help for skripts I don't make or general skript help.
all of the dependencies are on the tab but they are linked here too. They are all needed for the skript to work
SkBee -
/createwarp (name) - Create a new warp at your location.
/warpinfo (name) - Fetches info about a warp.
/delwarp (name) - Removes a warp from existance
/warp (name) - Warps you to the warp specificed
/forcewarp (player) (warp) - Warps another player to the warp specified
Parentheses "( )" around syntax entails it is required.
- Very quick warp setup
- Often updates and new features added
- Tab Complete for easy use
• warps.create - perm to use /createwarp
• warps.info - perm to use /warpinfo
• forcewarp.use - perm to use /forcewarp
• warps.(WARP NAME).use - perm to use a specific warp
• warps.delete - perm to use /delwarp
• warps.* - all warps
Upcoming Changes
- Ability to edit warps location, name, and other warp features.
- Customizable warp wait time (for each warp)
- Customizable default warp time
- Option to disable warp deletion confirmation
How to Use Options/Config Section
Each part of the Config explained
- This is a very short config section.
Code (Text):
prefix: &6&lWARPS &8•
The prefix before system messages
Code (Text):
primarycol: &6
Primary color in warp messages, include "&"
Code (Text):
secondarycol: &6
Secondary color in warp messages, include "&"