Adds a fun hide-and-seek game.
The plugin should work out of the box. Have a player with op run /hs start.
Game Commands:
/hs start - starts the game
/hs endgame - ends the game
/hs exit - exits the player who ran the command from the game
/hs endhidetime - ends the hiding phase and starts the seeking phase
/hs addhidetime - adds 10 seconds to hiding phase, can only be used when in hiding phase.
Configuration Commands:
/hs admin setcorner1 - sets the first corner of the hide and seek border to the players position
/hs admin setcorner2 - sets the second corner of the hide and seek border to the players position
/hs admin eraseborder - erases the border, making the arena endless.
/hs admin setspawn - sets the spawn of the arena, instead of teleporting everyone to the players position when game starts it will teleport everyone here
/hs admin erasespawn - removes the spawn location.
/hs admin setlobby - sets the lobby location, after the game is over everyone is teleported here. If it does not exist it will teleport everyone to the spawn
/hs admin eraselobby - remoes the lobby location
/hs admin setseektime - sets the time you seek for players until game is over, defaults to 5 minutes
/hs admin sethidetime - sets the time the hiders can hide. defaults to 60 seconds
/hs admin sethiderinventory - when this command is run, it saves the players inventory to the config file and gives the inventory to all hiders when the game is running
/hs admin setseekerinventory - when this command is run, it saves the players inventory to the config file and gives the inventory to all seekers when the game is running
Place the Hide-and-Seek Jar into your plugins folder.