Advanced TPA System with Spectator Mode and Safety Features
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TPAShieldZ is an advanced and user-friendly teleportation plugin that enhances the traditional TPA system with spectator mode and safety features. It provides a secure and interactive way for players to teleport to each other, ensuring a safe arrival at the destination.
Key Features:
Enhanced TPA system with spectator mode option
Confirmation system for teleportation
Hit protection to prevent combat exploitation
Death protection to safeguard recently teleported players
Customizable messages and time settings
Lightweight and optimized for server performance
How it works:
When a player sends a TPA request, the recipient can choose to accept it. The teleporting player is then sent to the destination in spectator mode (if enabled) and given time to confirm their teleportation. This allows them to check if the area is safe before fully committing to the teleport. The plugin also includes protection against combat exploitation and accidental deaths shortly after teleportation.
/tpa <player> - Send a TPA request to another player
/tpaccept - Accept a pending TPA request
/tpdeny - Deny a pending TPA request
/tpconfirm <stay|back> - Confirm teleportation or return to original location
TPAShieldZ is highly configurable. You can customize:
player-only-command: "&cThis command can only be used by players."
tpa-usage: "&cUsage: /tpa <player>"
tpconfirm-usage: "&cUsage: /tpconfirm <stay|back>"
tpa-request-sent: "&aYou have sent a teleport request to &e{player}&a."
tpa-request-received: "&e{player} &ahas requested to teleport to you. "
accept-text: "&a[Accept]"
deny-text: "&c[Deny]"
accept-hover: "&aClick to accept the teleport request"
deny-hover: "&cClick to deny the teleport request"
tpa-accepted: "&aYou have accepted the teleport request. Preparing for teleportation..."
tpa-request-accepted: "&a{player} &ahas accepted your teleport request. Preparing for teleportation..."
tpa-denied: "&cYou have denied the teleport request."
tpa-request-denied: "&c{player} &chas denied your teleport request."
tpa-request-timeout: "&cYour teleport request to &e{player} &chas timed out."
tpa-request-expired: "&cThe teleport request from &e{player} &chas expired."
target-not-online: "&cThe player &e{player} &cis not online."
spectator-mode-start: "&aYou are now in spectator mode. You have &e{time} seconds &ato confirm your teleport."
stay-here-prompt: "&aYou have &e{time} seconds &ato confirm the teleport. "
stay-here-text: "&a[Stay Here]"
go-back-text: "&c[Go Back]"
stay-here-hover: "&aClick to confirm and stay at the current location"
go-back-hover: "&cClick to cancel and return to your original location"
spectator-mode-timeout: "&cTeleport confirmation timed out. Returning to your original location."
stay-here-success: "&aYou have chosen to stay. Teleportation confirmed!"
go-back-success: "&aYou have chosen to go back. Returning to your original location."
hit-protection-active: "&cTeleport protection activated! You ({teleported}) were involved in combat with {victim}/{attacker}. Returning to your original location."
hit-protection-active-other: "&cTeleport protection activated for {teleported}. They were returned to their original location due to combat interaction."
death-protection-active: "&aDeath protection activated! You ({player}) were about to die, but the recent teleport saved you. Returning to your original location with full health."
death-protection-active-other: "&e{player} was saved from death by teleport protection and returned to their original location."
error-already-tpa: "&cYou already have a pending TPA request."
error-no-tpa-request: "&cYou have no pending TPA requests."
error-no-confirmation-pending: "&cYou have no pending teleport confirmation."
error-hit-protection: "&cYou were teleported too long ago for tp-back-on-hit to be active."
error-death-protection: "&cYou were teleported too long ago for tp-back-on-death to be active."
tpa-request-cancelled-quit: "&cThe teleport request from &e{player} &chas been cancelled because they left the game."
teleport-confirmation-start: "&aYou have been teleported. You have &e{time} seconds &ato confirm your location."
teleport-confirmation-timeout: "&cTeleport confirmation timed out. Returning to your original location."
Why choose TPAShieldZ?
Safe: Spectator mode and confirmation system ensure safe teleportation
Fair: Hit and death protections prevent exploitation
User-friendly: Intuitive commands and clickable chat messages
Customizable: Adapt the plugin to fit your server's needs
Lightweight: Minimal impact on server performance
Actively maintained: Regular updates and support
Enhance your server's teleportation system with TPAShieldZ today!
For support, feature requests, or bug reports, please use the discussion section or contact me on Discord at "zivush__" or join my server.