A small plugin that enhances entertainment by allowing you to randomly fish up any entity or item with a fishing rod, adding more surprises for players!
It includes a blacklist feature, where you can configure a list of items and entities that cannot be caught in the configuration file.
Important Note
You can catch items by immediately reeling in the rod after casting, without having to wait.
The plugin does not perform checks; any fishing rod can catch items. It is suitable for standalone activity servers.
Command Permissions
/fishanything - fishanything.reload - Reload the configuration file
Configuration File
Code (YAML):
# Name of the fishing rod fishing-rod-name: "Magic Fishing Rod"
# Whether to automatically give the rod on server join or respawn auto-give: true
# Item blacklist: items that cannot be caught # Item materials can be viewed at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html item-blacklist: - BEDROCK
# Entity blacklist: entities that cannot be caught # Entity names can be viewed at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html entity-blacklist: - ENDER_DRAGON