‣ Want to make it harder for your players to get netherite items?
‣ This plugin will make it so that you need to kill the ender dragon to get ancient debris.
‣ Until the dragon is killed, it will be impossible to get ancient debris or combine diamond items with netherite ingots!
‣ You can set up all messages and settings in the config without any effort!
‣ If you want to reset all player progress, you can either clear the plugin folder manually, or change the "whether the dragon is killed" value to false, or enter the command /au clear
Commands And Permissions
‣ /au reload - Reload Plugin (need permission: ancientupdate.commands)
‣ /au clear - Clear dragon statement (dragonIsDead -> false) (need permission: ancientdebris.commands)
‣ Check the plugin without operator mode!
‣ Bypass permission: ancientupdate.bypass