AdvancedPermissionDumper icon

AdvancedPermissionDumper -----

Dump permissions from ALL or a specific plugin to a .yml file

# AdvancedPermissionDumper for Spigot 1.8

**AdvancedPermissionDumper** is a versatile Spigot plugin designed for Minecraft 1.8 that enables server administrators to easily dump all permissions from a specific plugin or from all plugins into a YAML file. This can be invaluable for managing and auditing permissions across your server.

**Developed by Sforskeezy**

## Features

- **Comprehensive Permission Dumping**: Extracts all permissions, including wildcard permissions (e.g., `plugin.*`).
- **Supports All Plugins**: Can dump permissions for any installed plugin or for all plugins on the server.
- **Well-Formatted Output**: Generates a YAML file with clear and organized permissions data.

## Commands

- `/apd <plugin>` - Dumps all permissions of the specified plugin to a YAML file.
- `/apd ALL` - Dumps all permissions of all plugins installed on the server to a YAML file.

## Permissions

- `apd.use` - Required to execute the `/apd` command.

## Installation

1. Download the plugin jar file.
2. Place the jar file into your server's `plugins` directory.
3. Restart or reload your server to enable the plugin.

## Usage

1. **Dump Permissions for a Specific Plugin**:
/apd <plugin_name>
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 22
First Release: Aug 19, 2024
Last Update: Aug 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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