KaarioMurderMystery icon

KaarioMurderMystery -----

A murder mystery plugin for bungeecord servers

ProtocolLib is required and won't work without it.


- KaarioMurderMystery is a murder mystery plugin for bungeecord servers.

- /mm setspawn - command for setting the player spawns.
- /mm setgold - command for setting the gold ingot spawns.
- /mm setlobby - command for setting the lobby spawn.
- /mm setmp - command for setting the mysterious potion locations.
- /mm resetspawn - command for resetting the player spawns.
- /mm resetgold - command for resetting the gold ingot spawns.
- /mm resetlobby - command for resetting the lobby spawn.
- /mm resetmp - command for resetting the mysterious potion locations.
- /mm start - command for force starting.
- /mm reload - command for reloading the plugin.
- /leave - command for leaving the arena.

- kmm.admin - Provides access to the /mm command.

Discord: @farcuhary
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 131
First Release: Aug 17, 2024
Last Update: Jan 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings