PluginAnalyse is a Minecraft Bukkit/Spigot plugin designed to monitor and analyze network traffic in real-time. It provides server administrators with powerful tools to view, clear, and check connections, particularly for identifying connections related to specific domains or IPs, such as "". The plugin also includes permissions-based controls to ensure only authorized users can perform certain actions.
Log Analysis: Easily view and manage logs of network packets related to player connections.
Ethanol Connection Detection: Automatically check logs for connections to "" or a specified IP address and alert administrators if found.
Discord Alerts: Integrate with Discord via a webhook to send alerts whenever an Ethanol connection is detected and blocked.
Permission-Based Access: Restrict access to specific commands based on user permissions.
Centralized Messaging: Utilize a simple utility class for consistent and formatted messaging across the plugin.
Stable Release
Beta Release
/analyse <view|clear|checkethanol>
The main command for interacting with the plugin. Subcommands include:
view: View the logged network connections.
clear: Clear the log file.
checkethanol: Check the logs for connections to "" or the specified IP.
Command Usage
- `/analyse view`: Displays the contents of the log file to the user.
- `/analyse clear`: Clears the log file.
- `/analyse checkethanol`: Checks the log file for any connections to "" or the specified IP and reports the findings.