IamAuth icon

IamAuth -----

A simple 1.8.9+ authentication plugin (Logo made with AI)

IamAuth is a simple 1.8.9+ Authentication plugin made by @IamDig_ with some help from @Italian_Gourmet and @just1diaxxx (check out their projects!). Of course it's not the best authentication plugin you can find out there, and it's better to use it on small servers instead of big ones. You should also consider the fact that I'm still learning to make plugins, so I ask you not to insult me for how this plugin is made. You should instead give me suggestions to make it better, and of course, since it is open source, you're free to make upgraded versions of the plugin. Don't hesitate to contact me on Discord, both privately (My @ is iamdig_) or by joining my Discord server.


- Registration and Login: When a player joins, if he hasn't got one already, he must register himself by creating a password that he'll have to use to log into the server when joining again. This feature protects from eventual account thefts, especially in SP servers. If a player wanna change is password, he can, but he has to remember the old one. Otherwise, a Staff Member can unregister the player.
- Passwords File: Passwords are stored in a "password.yml" file (that can be found in the "IamAuth" folder) by the player's UUID, so that the password doesn't change if the server is premium, while in SP servers there's no difference by doing it by the player's name, since the UUID is generated by the name. Its main function is to store passwords, but it can be used to recover them, but it's not reccomended since you should do a name-UUID convertion and there's already the possibility to unregister a player. You can reload it by the /auth reload command.
- Full plugin configuration: The plugin is completely customizable by the "config.yml" file (once again, it can be found in the "IamAuth" folder).

- /register [password] [confirm password]
- /login [password]
- /changepass [old password] [new password]
- /unregister [player]
- /auth reload
- /auth help

- iamauth.unregister: required to use the /unregister command
- iamauth.reloadconfig: required to use /auth reload
- iamauth.help: required to use /auth help
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 62
First Release: Aug 13, 2024
Last Update: Oct 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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