Gamemodes! icon

Gamemodes! -----

Have commands like /gmc, /gms, etc., without all the hassle of other plugins!



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If you like this plugin drop me a review! It really helps!

Gamemodes is a plugin that adds these commands /gmc, /gms, /gma, /gmsp, /GMLock & /GMUnlock, Upon using a command a nice sound will be played (This can be disabled in the config, Sounds are not played for the GMLock and GMUnlock commands).

When using the commands you can either leave the player argument blank or put one in to activate the command on another player, Each command represents a gamemode, Example: /gmc puts you in Creative

The /GMLock command will lock a players gamemode so it can't be changed (/GMLock <player> <gamemode>).

The /GMUnlock command will unlock a players gamemode so it can be changed again (/GMUnlock <player> <gamemode>).

Why use this plugin? Other plugins like this are often outdated, Buggy, Etc., I'm here to make your life easier by just providing what you need and no extras! This plugin will work on a ton of versions I haven't tested and I'm sure It can run on a server will very little ram.

- Gamemodes.All (Doesn't include /GMLock & /GMUnlock)
- Gamemodes.Gma
- Gamemodes.Gmc
- Gamemodes.Gms
- Gamemodes.Gmsp
- Gamemodes.GMLock
- Gamemodes.GMUnlock

#Made with love by Typo from TypoCreates (
#Report bugs to me on Discord or Spigot <3 (@TypoWasTaken).#

#Do you want to play a sound whenever you switch someone's gamemode?
#The sound effect will only be played for the person who ran the gamemode command. Default value = true
#Make sure to set this value to either true or false or the plugin might not work!
do-sound-effects: true

IMPORTANT - Terms of service:

- You are not allowed to decompile this plugin.
- You are not allowed to rebrand/reupload and/or sell this plugin.
- You are not allowed to edit this plugins code.

This plugin gathers plugin Metrics using bStats, This takes extremely little server resources so I would appreciate if you left it on however given that this plugin is meant to be just the required stuff feel free to disable the Metrics in the bStats plugin folder.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 184
First Release: Aug 13, 2024
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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