# If you change the 'Heart Item Crafting' to false and then true you need to
# restart your server to see the recipe in the crafting table.
# The recipe will work but it will not show up as a recipe if searched.
Heart Cap: 20
Minimum Hearts: 1
Hearts To Get When Revived: 3
Player Lose Heart On Death: true
Player Lose Heart On Death When Killer Is Not A Player: true
Player Gain Heart On Kill: true
Heart Item Drop On Death: false # If 'false' it will automatically add the heart to the killer.
Heart Item Crafting: true
Respawn Item Crafting: true
Teleport To Death Arena On Min Heart Death: true
Death Arena:
Move: true
Commands: false
Break: false
Place: false
Damage: false
Item-Pickup: false
Item-Drop: false
Time: false # Timer to get out
Timer: 30 # Timer in days
item: # Item ID
- "123"
- "456"
- "789"
1: # Item ID
2: # Item ID
3: # Item ID
4: # Item ID
5: # Item ID
6: # Item ID
7: # Item ID
8: # Item ID
9: # Item ID
item: # Item ID
- "123"
- "456"
- "789"
1: # Item ID
2: # Item ID
3: # Item ID
4: # Item ID
5: # Item ID
6: # Item ID
7: # Item ID
8: # Item ID
9: # Item ID
Q&A: 1. What is a item id?
When you create a item using /litem add <ID> you use that ID in the config.yml. You can either say: 'item-1' or simply '1'
2. What is the Death Arena?
The death arena is a place where a player gets teleported to if they lose all thier hearts! (You can disable this with: '/settings deatharena false')