This plugin is a simple and lightweight way to hide other players from your view using a command!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All other players can still see you, and see each other, you just won't see them. Perfect for lobbies or even content creators on large SMP's!
/Hideall - Hides all players from you
/Showall - Shows all players
hideotherplayers.use - Required to be able to use the commands
hideotherplayers.exempt - Will not hide you when someone does /Hideall
Code (YAML):
#Message displayed when running /Hideall on-message: ~eAll players have been vanished.
#Message displayed when running /Showall off-message: ~eAll players have been revealed.
#Enables/Disables the Exempt permission Allow-exempt: true
#Worlds that the commands can be run in Enabled-Worlds: - world
- world_nether