Description: AntiBotZ is a powerful and user-friendly anti-bot plugin designed to protect your Minecraft server from bot attacks. Using an innovative, GUI-based verification system, it ensures that only real players can join your server while effectively blocking automated bots.
Key Features:
Interactive GUI-based verification process
Customizable verification items and GUI size
Configurable attempt limits
Bypass permission for trusted players
Prevents unverified players from moving, chatting, or using commands
Custom messages and sounds for success/failure
Admin commands for plugin management and player reverification
How it works: When a player joins the server, they are presented with a GUI containing multiple items. The player must click on the correct verification item to prove they are human. If they fail, they have a configurable number of attempts before being kicked. This process effectively stops bots while being simple for real players to complete.
/antibotz reload - Reloads the plugin configuration
/antibotz reverify <player> - Forces a player to go through verification again
/antibotz enable - Enables the plugin
/antibotz disable - Disables the plugin
(All commands can also be used with the shorter alias /abz)
antibotz.admin - Allows use of admin commands
antibotz.bypass - Allows players to bypass the verification process
Configuration: AntiBotZ is highly configurable. You can customize:
Number of verification attempts
GUI size and items
All plugin messages
Success and failure sounds
Code (Text):
attempts: 3
gui_rows: 4
main_item: "ANVIL"
verification_item: "HOPPER"
verification_timeout: 25
faild_login_cooldown: 10 # Cooldown in seconds after a failed login attempt
kick_message: "&cYou failed the verification process."
verified_successfully: "&aYou have been successfully verified!"
gui_title: " &8Click the hopper to continue" # You can use %ATTEMPTS_LEFT%
chat_blocked: "&cYou must complete the verification process before chatting."
command_blocked: "&cYou must complete the verification process before using commands."
build_blocked: "&cYou must complete the verification process before building."
incorrect_choice: "&cIncorrect choice! Attempts left: %ATTEMPTS_LEFT%"
verification_timeout: "&cVerification timed out. Please rejoin to try again."
cooldown_kick_message: "&cYou are on cooldown. Please wait %TIME% seconds before trying again."
Why choose AntiBotZ?
Effective: Stops bots without inconveniencing real players
User-friendly: Simple GUI-based verification process
Customizable: Adapt the plugin to fit your server's needs
Lightweight: Minimal impact on server performance
Actively maintained: Regular updates and support
Protect your server from bot at tacks today with AntiBotZ!
For support, feature requests, or bug reports, please use the discussion section or contact me in discord "zivush__".