LoreArtistZ is a powerful and innovative Minecraft plugin that allows players to transform their items by adding custom pixel art images to item lore. With support for image uploads via URLs, personal image libraries per player, and customizable size limits, this plugin offers a unique way to personalize items on your server. Perfect for creating custom shops, special items, or decorative displays.
Key Features
Personal Image Libraries: Each player gets their own image storage with configurable limits
URL Image Upload: Upload images directly from URLs to your personal collection
Smart Image Resizing: Automatic resizing of images to maintain quality within server limits
Custom Dimensions: Optional manual size specification during upload
Cooldown System: Configurable cooldowns for uploads and applications
Permission-Based: Full permission system for all features
Image Management: List and delete your saved images
Configurable Limits: Set maximum image sizes and storage limits per player
/laz upload <name> <url> [width] [height]: Upload an image from URL (Permission: loreartistz.upload)
/laz apply <name>: Apply an image to the item in your hand (Permission: loreartistz.apply)
/laz list: View your saved images (Permission: loreartistz.list)
/laz delete <name>: Delete a saved image (Permission: loreartistz.delete)
/laz help: Display help information
Code (Text):
# LoreArtistZ Configuration
# Image Settings
width: 64
height: 64
# Maximum number of images per player
max-per-player: 10
# Maximum file size in KB
max-file-size: 500
# Messages
prefix: "&8[&bLoreArtistZ&8] "
title: "&6=== LoreArtistZ Help ==="
upload: "&e/laz upload <name> <url> &f- Upload an image from URL"
apply: "&e/laz apply <name> &f- Apply image to held item"
list: "&e/laz list &f- List your saved images"
delete: "&e/laz delete <name> &f- Delete a saved image"
success: "&aImage successfully uploaded as &e{name}&a!"
failed: "&cFailed to upload image. Please try again."
invalid-url: "&cInvalid image URL. Please provide a valid direct image link."
limit-reached: "&cYou have reached your maximum image limit of &e{limit}&c images!"
size-exceeded: "&cImage dimensions exceed the maximum allowed size of &e{width}x{height}&c!"
success: "&aSuccessfully applied image &e{name}&a to item!"
no-item: "&cYou must hold an item to apply an image!"
not-found: "&cImage &e{name}&c not found in your collection!"
upload: "&cYou must wait &e{time}&c seconds before uploading another image!"
apply: "&cYou must wait &e{time}&c seconds before applying another image!"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
invalid-command: "&cInvalid command! Use &e/laz help&c for help."
title: "&aYour saved images:"
empty: "&eYou don't have any saved images."
entry: "&e- {name}"
Download: Place the LoreArtistZ.jar in your plugins folder
Configure: Start the server to generate the default configuration
Customize: Adjust the config.yml to match your server's needs
Permissions: Set up permissions for your players
Restart: Restart your server to apply changes
Why Choose LoreArtistZ?
User-Friendly: Simple commands and intuitive image management
Performance Optimized: Efficient image processing and storage
Highly Configurable: Customize every aspect to fit your server
Secure: Built-in safeguards against abuse and spam
Regular Updates: Continuous improvements and feature additions
Enhance your server's item customization with LoreArtistZ!