NetworkJoinMessages | BungeeCord & Velocity wide join, leave, and switch messages icon

NetworkJoinMessages | BungeeCord & Velocity wide join, leave, and switch messages -----

Global join, leave, and switch messages for proxy servers.

This plugin allows you to define a global message sent to all players on your network when someone joins, quits, or swaps from one server to another. Additionally, supports messages being sent to Discord via Webhook

This is a continuation of Tirco's BungeeJoinMessages as it appears it is no longer being maintained. As such, this page has mostly been derived from the original plugin's spigot page and all credit is reserved to Tirco in that respect.

  • Download the plugin
  • Place it into your proxy's plugin folder
  • Restart the proxy
  • Configure the plugin's messages in plugins/NetworkJoinMessages/config.yml to your liking
  • Optionally, configure the Discord messages in in plugins/NetworkJoinMessages/discord.yml
  • Run the command /njoinreload for changes to take effect

Make sure the permissions are set on the proxy and not on individual servers. With LuckPerms that means either /lpb for BungeeCord or /lpv for Velocity.

  • networkjoinmessages.silent
    Makes it so no message is displayed when you join, leave or swap servers. This permission is meant for staff that often join the server while vanished.
  • networkjoinmessages.fakemessage
    Allows the use of the /fakemessage command.
    The command will display a fake join/leave/switch message, based on the arguments given.
  • networkjoinmessages.reload
    Allows you to reload the configuration file with the /njoinreload command.
  • networkjoinmessages.togglemessage
    Allows the usage of the /njointoggle command, that lets them not receive certain messages from the plugin.


  • /njointoggle (alias: /togglejoinmessage)
    Lets you disable certain incoming messages from the plugin. (/njointoggle <all/join/leave/switch> <on/off>)

  • /fakemessage (Alias: /fm)
    Displays a help message containing the possible uses.

  • /fm fakequit (or /fm fq)
    Sends a message on all servers, as if you've left the network.

  • /fm fakejoin (or /fm fj)
    Sends a message on all servers, as if you've joined the network.

  • /fm fakeswitch <from> <to> (or /fm fs <from> <to>)
    Sends a message on all servers as if you've travelled from server A (from) to server B (to).

  • /fm toggle
    Toggles your silent state, so that messages are sent to everyone.
    (Must have both the command and silent permission to use this)

  • /njoinreload or /networkjoinreload
    reloads the configuration file.


  • %player% The name of the player
  • %to% The server they are going to
  • %to_clean% - ^ Same, but with color codes removed.
  • %from% The server they are coming from
  • %from_clean% - ^ Same, but with color codes removed.
  • %playercount_to% The amount of players on the server they going to.
  • %playercount_from% The amount of players on the server they are coming from.
  • %playercount_network% The amount of players on the network.
JoinNetworkMessage & LeaveNetworkMessage:
  • %player% The name of the player that joins/leaves.
  • %server_name% The name of the server they joined to or was last on when they left.
  • %server_name_clean% - ^ Same, but with color codes removed.
  • %playercount_server% The amount of players on the server they connected to, or was last on when they left.
  • %playercount_network% The amount of players on their network.
Remember that you can use the command /njoinreload to reload the messages without having to restart the server.
Requires the networkjoinmessages.reload permission.

More Info:

If you want the vanilla join/leave messages to go away, I recommend removing them with EssentialsX, or use this basic plugin.

If you want any of these added faster add a comment to the linked GitHub issue, or if you have your own feature request, make a new issue.
  • First-join messages (ref)
  • Better message parsing i.e. hex color code support, hover messages, and click events (ref)
  • PAPIProxyBridge support for any and all backend PlaceholderAPI placeholders (ref)


The worst way to try and get support is by leaving a review!

The best way to get support would be to post an issue on GitHub or join the Discord.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 220
First Release: Aug 5, 2024
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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