ServerStatusBot is a powerful plugin designed to integrate your Minecraft server with Discord, providing real-time updates about the server status directly in a specified Discord channel. This plugin is compatible only with Velocity.
Key Features:
Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates the Discord embed with the current server status and player count.
Customizable Embeds: Fully customizable embed messages, including title, description, fields, colors, images, thumbnails, and footer icons.
Markdown Support: Supports markdown formatting in embed fields for enhanced text styling.
Connection Resilience: Automatically attempts to reconnect to Discord in case of connection failures, with configurable retry settings.
Offline Status Handling: Automatically updates the embed to reflect the server's offline status when the server shuts down or the plugin is disabled.
Placeholders: Use placeholders to dynamically display information such as time, date, player count, and more.
%time% -> The time in the HH:mm format
%date% -> The date in the dd/MM/yyyy format
%date-us% -> The date in the MM/dd/yyyy format
%player_count% -> The number of players online
%max_players% -> The maximum number of players that can be online