Blockdrop Minigame: Outlast the Falling Blocks!
Blockdrop Minigame is an exciting and dynamic plugin designed for Minecraft servers, where players must survive as the blocks beneath their feet disappear. This fast-paced minigame tests players' agility, strategy, and quick thinking, making it a thrilling addition to any server.
- Dynamic Arena Management:
- Create, save, and manage multiple arenas with ease.
- Use WorldEdit integration for quick setup and schematic handling.
- Regenerate arenas instantly to keep the game going.
- Player Interaction:
- Join and leave arenas using simple commands.
- Automatic player elimination and tracking.
- Customizable player messages for a more immersive experience.
- Game Mechanics:
- Blocks disappear beneath players' feet, forcing them to keep moving.
- Scheduled tasks ensure smooth gameplay and block updates.
- Configurable settings to tailor the game to your server's needs.
- Events and Listeners:
- Player movement detection to handle block changes dynamically.
- Custom event handling to enhance gameplay experience.
Installation Instructions:
- Download the Plugin:
- Install Dependencies:
- Ensure you have WorldEdit installed on your server as it's a dependency for this plugin.
- Place the Plugin:
- Place the downloaded Blockdrop Minigame .jar file into your server's plugins directory.
- Restart the Server:
- Restart your Minecraft server to load the plugin.
- Configure the Plugin:
- After the server restarts, a configuration file will be generated in the plugins/BlockdropMinigame folder.
- Edit the config.yml file to customize the plugin settings according to your preferences.
- Create Arenas:
- Use in-game commands to create and manage arenas.
- Example commands:
- /blockdrop arena create <name> - Creates a new arena.
- /blockdrop arena save <name> - Saves the current arena.
- /blockdrop arena regen <name> - Regenerates the specified arena.
- /blockdrop arena delete <name> - Deletes the specified arena.
- Start the Game:
- Players can join the game using /blockdrop join <arenaname>.
- To leave, use /blockdrop leave <arenaname>.
Commands and Permissions:
- Commands:
- /blockdrop pos1 - Set the first position for arena selection.
- /blockdrop pos2 - Set the second position for arena selection.
- /blockdrop arena save, regen, delete <name> - Manage arenas.
- Permissions:
- blockdropminigame.admin - Full access to all commands and features.
- blockdropminigame.arena - Access to arena-related commands.
Support and Contribution:
- Support:
- For any issues or questions, feel free to reach out on the SpigotMC discussion thread or open an issue on the plugin's GitHub repository.
- I will try my best to answer all the questions on spigotMC page but I recommend you to post your questions/issues on our GitHub issues page by creating a new issue
- Contribution:
- Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
If you like the resource, please rate us a five-star and star our GitHub Repository.
Enjoy the thrill and excitement of Blockdrop Minigame on your server, and may the best player win!