Dexterity ⭕ Create Custom Items, Furniture, and More ✅ No Dependencies⚡Rotate and Resize Blocks icon

Dexterity ⭕ Create Custom Items, Furniture, and More ✅ No Dependencies⚡Rotate and Resize Blocks -----

Add mind-blowing detail to your worlds using block displays - No mods or resource packs required

Add stunning displays and detail to your worlds with ease

This scene was built in-game only with Dexterity tools.
There are no resource packs,
no custom models,
no modpacks,
and no other external editing software.

Make your worlds pop with incredible detail

Example use case: Create custom objects instead of NPCs


Edit block display entities just like real blocks


Place and break block display entities without limits


Convert & de-convert normal blocks into block display entities

/d convert
/d deconvert


Make precise selections with WorldEdit integration
Easily undo or redo your changes

//wand (or /d wand with no WorldEdit)
/d undo


Scale or skew a selection

/d scale <multiplier>
Advanced example: /d scale -set y=1.5


Rotate a selection along any axis

/d rotate <degrees>
Advanced example: /d rotate -reset yaw=30 roll=-20

Clone a selection
Import and export schematics
Add commands to run on click
Let players sit on display with click
Use less entities by consolidating

Move selection with precision
Change the glow color
And more!

See the full command list


⭐ Discord Support ⭐
The schematics for all of the gifs on this page are free to download on the discord server! You can also get your questions answered here whether or not you have downloaded the plugin:


A block display, or ghost block, is a type of Minecraft entity that resembles a stand-still block. Dexterity uses block displays, which is why no mods or texture packs are required. Block displays can be moved, rotated, and resized, but this is difficult to do with vanilla. Dexterity provides a tool kit that can quickly create and modify these entities as if they were actual blocks.
Dexterity is built to be simple yet powerful. The tools are simplified to a few main commands: rotating, scaling, and placing/breaking by clicking. If your builders have used WorldEdit before, they can quickly understand how to use Dexterity.
Block displays are entities, and a player can walk through them with no knockback. If you don't want this to happen though, you can add barrier blocks.
Block display entities are extremely light-weight on the server, much lighter than regular entities. You can also use the built-in /d consolidate command to cut down on the number of entities used in a selection. One consolidation can reduce the entity count by over 85% in some cases, all without changing the shape!

Essential for any builder
Quickly create any amount of decoration directly in-game without any modpacks or external software.


Code (Text):

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Use "&^" for primary color, "&*" for secondary, and "&**" for tertiary color defined in config
#  Language: US English (Default)
#  Translator: [None]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#Player-facing strings
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission!"
wand-title: "&fDexterity Wand"

#General command strings
usage-format: "&4Usage: &c%usage%"
get-started: "&^Use &*/d help&^ to get started!"
to-finish-edit: "&^Use &*/d paste&^ to finish the edit!"
must-finish-edit: "&^Use &*/d paste&^ or &*/d cancel&^ to finish the edit first!"
other-player-editing: "&^Cannot select until &*%editor%&^ finishes an in-progress edit!"
help-page-header: "\n\n&^&lDexterity Commands: &**Page &**&l%page%&**/%maxpage%"
list-page-header: "&^&lDisplay list: &**Page &**&l%page%&**/%maxpage%"
schem-list-header: "&^&lSchematics: &**Page &**&l%page%&**/%maxpage%"
owner-list-header: "&^&lDisplay owners list: &**Page &**&l%page%&**/%maxpage%"
saved-click-default: "&^Use &*/d unsave&^ to edit or &*/d cmd&^ to add a command on click!"
info-format: "&^Selected &*%count%&^ block displays in &*%world%"
info-format-saved: "&^Selected &*%count%&^ block displays in &*%world%&^ labelled &*%label%"
command-cooldown: "&cYou must wait %remaining% more second(s) to do this!"
cancelled-edit: "&^Cancelled edit!"
unknown-subcommand: "&cUnknown sub-command."
selected: "selected"
loclabel-prefix: "selection at"

#Error strings
display-not-found: "&4Error: &cCould not find display '%input%'"
must-save-display: "&^No display selected! Use &*/d save&^ to convert selection."
must-select-display: "&4Error: &cYou must select a display to do this!"
must-same-world: "&4Error: &cMust be in the same world!"
must-same-world-points: "&4Error: &cPoints must be set in the same world! Use /d desel"
must-send-numbers-xyz: "&4Error: &cMust set x, y, and z!"
must-send-number: "&4Error: &cYou must send a number!"
must-be-different: "&4Error: &cMust be a different display than selected!"
must-enter-value: "&4Error: &cMissing required value '%value%'!"
exceeds-max-volume: "&4Error: &cThis selection exceeds %volume% blocks!"
cannot-clone: "&4Error: &cThis display can not be cloned!"
name-in-use: "&4Error: &cThis name is already in use by another display!"
group-name-in-use: "&4Error: &cA group with this name already exists!"
invalid-name: "&4Error: &cInvalid name!"
unknown-color: "&4Error: &cUnknown color '%input%'!"
unknown-material: "&4Error: &cUnknown material: '%input%'!"
unknown-input: "&4Error: &cUnknown input: '%input%'!"
need-locations: "&4Error: &cBoth locations must be set!"
no-saved-displays: "&cThere are no saved displays!"
list-empty: "&cThis list is empty!"
cannot-merge-subgroups: "&4Error: &cCannot merge two sub-groups, unmerge first!"
already-merged: "&4Error: &cThis display has already been merged with '%label%'!"
selection-too-complex: "&4Error: &cToo many rotation types in selection to do this!"
cannot-hard-merge: "&4Error: &ccan not hard-merge on this display!"
failed-merge: "&cFailed to merge!"
nothing-to-unmerge: "&^Nothing to un-merge, &*%label%&^ has no parent display!"
none-undo: "&cThere is nothing left to undo!"
cannot-undo: "&cCannot undo this edit!"
none-redo: "&cThere is nothing left to redo!"
cannot-redo: "&cCannot redo this edit!"
still-processing: "&4Error: &cThis edit is still processing!"
not-saved: "&4Error: &cThis selection must be saved! Use /d save <label>"
console-exception: "&4Error: &cCould not perform this operation! Check the console."
file-already-exists: "&4Error: &cFile '%input%' already exists!"
file-not-found: "&4Error: &cThis file does not exist!"
player-not-found: "&4Error: &cCould not find player %player%!"

#Success strings
align-success: "&^Aligned %loclabel%!"
axis-set-success: "&^Reset the %type% axis for %loclabel%&^!"
clone-success: "&^Successfully cloned %loclabel%!"
cmd-add-success: "&^Successfully added command to %label%&^! Players must have permission."
cmd-remove-success: "&^Removed command &*%id%&^ from %label%&^!"
consolidate-success: "&^Consolidated %loclabel%!"
convert-success: "&^Successfully converted block selection!"
desel-success: "&^Cleared selection!"
glow-success: "&^Set the glow for %loclabel%!"
glow-success-disable: "&^Disabled glow for %loclabel%!"
mask-success: "&^Set the mask to &*%input%&^!"
mask-success-disable: "&^Disabled the mask!"
merge-success: "&^Successfully merged with &*%parentlabel%&^!"
merge-success-newgroup: "&^Successfully created new group &*%input%&^!"
merge-success-hard: "&^Successfully hard-merged displays!"
owner-add-success: "&^Added &*%player%&^ as an owner of this display!"
owner-remove-success: "&*%player%&^ is no longer an owner of this display!"
owner-remove-success-warning: "&6Warning: &eThis display is now public, anyone can edit!"
recenter-success: "&^Recentered %loclabel%!"
redo-success: "&^Redid &*%number%&^ edit(s)!"
reload-success: "&^Reloaded Dexterity!"
remove-success: "&^Removed the display %loclabel%!"
rename-success: "&^Named this display %label%&^!"
replace-success: "&^Replaced &*%from%&^ in %label%&^!"
restore-success: "&^Restored the display %loclabel%!"
scale-success: "&^Scaled %label% by &*%scale%&^!"
scale-success-set: "&^Set %label% scale to &*%scale%&^!"
seat-success: "&^Players with &*^ permission can sit on &*%label%&^!"
seat-disable-success: "&^Players can no longer sit on &*%label%&^!"
selected-success: "&^Selected &*%label%&^!"
set-success: "&^Set point #%number% to &*%location%"
schem-export-success: "&^Exported %label%&^ to schematics folder!"
schem-import-success: "&^Successfully imported %label%&^ by &*%author%&^!"
schem-delete-success: "&^Deleted schematic &*%label%&^!"
tile-success: "&^Successfully tiled %loclabel%&^!"
undo-success: "&^Undid &*%number%&^ edit(s)!"
unmerge-success: "&^Un-merged &*%label%&^!"
unsave-success: "&^Unsaved &*%label%&^!"

#Command descriptions
align-description: "Align the selection to the nearest block"
axis-description: "Show or modify rotation and scale axes (Advanced)"
animation-description: "Modify the display's animations"
clone-description: "Clone the selection"
command-description: "Set commands to run when clicked"
consolidate-description: "Merge blocks while preserving shape"
convert-description: "Convert the selected region to display blocks"
deconvert-description: "Revert selection back into block form"
deselect-description: "Clear selected region"
glow-description: "Make the selection glow"
highlight-description: "Locate the selected display"
info-description: "Show information about selection"
list-description: "List all displays"
mask-description: "Only edit a selected material type"
merge-description: "Combine two displays"
move-description: "Teleport a display"
name-description: "Change a display's name"
owner-description: "Edit the display's owner list"
pos1-description: "Set the first position"
recenter-description: "Set the center of rotation to your location"
redo-description: "Redo the last transaction"
reload-description: "Reload config and language file"
remove-description: "Delete a selection"
replace-description: "Replace a type of block for another type"
rotate-description: "Rotate a selection"
scale-description: "Resize a selection"
seat-description: "Toggle ability to click to sit"
select-description: "Select a display or region"
schem-description: "Import or export a pre-built display"
tile-description: "Arrange clones of selection in a line"
undo-description: "Undo the last action"
unmerge-description: "Separate a display group"
unsave-description: "Unsave a display so it can be edited"
wand-description: "Get a wand to select block locations"

#Command usage
axis-usage: "/d axis <show | set | off>"
cmd-usage: "/d command <add | remove | list>"
cmd-add-usage: "/d command add <cmd>"
cmd-remove-usage: "/d command remove <id>"
glow-usage: "/d glow <color | none>"
mask-usage: "/d mask <material | none>"
merge-usage: "/d merge <display>"
owner-add-usage: "/d owner add <player>"
owner-remove-usage: "/d owner remove <player>"
rename-usage: "/d name <name>"
replace-usage: "/d replace <from> <to>"
rotate-usage: "/d rotate <y> [pitch] [roll]"
sel-usage: "/d sel <name>"
schem-usage: "/d schem <import | export> [name]"[/COLOR]

Also check out LobbyGames, a plugin to create 8-ball pool, football, snake, and more minigames!

You may not redistribute the software.
If you have any questions, concerns, bug reports, suggetions, etc., please join the discord server. Your feedback is appreciated!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 70
First Release: Aug 5, 2024
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings