This is a very simple plugin i made for my server, i want to add a function i saw on essentials, but i dont want all the other functions, then i make this plugin.
When a player with the fsj.joinfullserver perm joins the server and the slots are full, it will shows all the players a message, this can be used to let your players know how they can get access to that perm or you can do whatever you want with the message
Code (YAML):
# Message displayed when a player with permission joins a full server
"&aEl usuario A8A53%playerwithperm% se unió al server a pesar de que ya está lleno, &#FF5733¿Quieres saber cómo? &epregunta a un staff en Discord."
# Message displayed when the configuration is reloaded
"&aConfiguración de FullServerJoin recargada correctamente."
# Message displayed when a player does not have permission to execute a command
"&cNo tienes permiso para ejecutar este comando."
This plugin supports RGB with this format 〹 or just minecraft color code like &e
The %playerwithperm% take the name of the player who join to the server when its full, you didnt need to do anything with this, just use it on the message.
Perms & commands
Code (Text):
fsj.reload Let the player reload de plugin with /fsj-reload
fsj.joinfullserver Let the player join the server when its full