getGroupTP icon

getGroupTP -----

grupowetp, tp

GroupTP is a versatile Minecraft plugin that allows server administrators to set up group teleportation points and random teleportation functionality. It provides an easy way to manage teleportation buttons for both group and random teleports.

- Create and manage group teleportation points
- Set up random teleportation (RTP) functionality
- Add and remove teleportation buttons for both group and random teleports
- Reload configuration
- Admin tools for easy setup and management


Group Teleport Commands
grouptp.admin -

- /grouptp create <name> <size-members> - Creates a new group teleport point
- /grouptp setbutton gtp <name> - Sets a button for an existing group teleport
- /grouptp removebutton gtp <name> - Removes a group teleport button
- /grouptp item - Gives the player a selector item for defining teleport areas
- /grouptp reload - Reloads the plugin configuration

Random Teleport (RTP) Commands

- /grouptp setbutton rtp <world> - Sets a button for random teleportation (grouptp.admin - permission)
- /grouptp removebutton rtp - Removes a random teleport button (grouptp.admin - permission)
- /randomtp or /rtp - Teleports the player to a random location (randomtp.use - permission)


1. Setting up a Group Teleport
- Use the selector item to define the teleport area
- Create the group teleport with /grouptp create <name> <amount>
- Set up buttons for the teleport with /grouptp setbutton gtp <name>

2. Setting up Random Teleport
- Set up RTP buttons around your server using /grouptp setbutton rtp
- Players with appropriate permissions can use /rtp to teleport randomly

3. Managing Teleport Buttons
- Remove unwanted buttons using the respective remove commands
- Reload the configuration after making changes with /grouptp reload

Code (Text):
cooldown: 5
cooldownMessage: "&cYou must wait {sec} seconds!"
notEnoughMembersMessage: "&cCannot teleport. Required {members-size} member(s)"
cannotUseRandomTP: "&cYou cannot use /rtp in this world"
safeLocationNotFound: "&cFailed to find a safe location"
    minRadius: 500
    maxRadius: 1000
    minRadius: 100
    maxRadius: 300
- "LAVA"
rtpLocations: []
teleports: []
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 535
First Release: Jul 26, 2024
Last Update: Aug 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings