Autosell icon

Autosell -----

A simple autosell with a custom config file


AutoSell is an innovative plugin that allows players to sell items easily and instantly through intuitive commands. The plugin's configuration is designed to be user-friendly, allowing administrators to easily set up sellable items, their prices, and their sale names through a configuration file.

Main Features
  • Simplified Selling: Sell items with simple in-game commands.
  • Intuitive Configuration: Easily set up items, prices, and sale names through a YAML file.
  • Integration with Essentials-X: Utilizes the Essentials-X economy system to manage the accumulation and storage of money from sales.
  • Flexibility: On request, the plugin can be decoupled from Essentials-X to use other economy systems.
How It Works
The plugin allows players to sell specific items at prices set by the server administrators. Items and their prices are configurable through a YAML configuration file, making plugin management simple and fast.

Useful Commands
  • /sellItem → Allows selling all items in hand (if sellable)
  • /sellAll → Allows selling all sellable items in inventory
  • /sellInfo → Displays market information of the item in hand (if sellable)
  • /sellAuto → Enables/disables automatic selling every second of all sellable items in invento
  • /sellList → Allows seeing the list of players whit sellAuto enabled

Configuration Example
Here is an example of how to configure items and their prices in the prices.yml file.

Screenshot 2024-07-26 020048.png

This plugin is ideal for Minecraft servers that want to offer their players a simple and intuitive way to sell items, improving the in-game economy and making management easier for administrators.

For more information and support, contact us via Telegram by @minepluginbot or following this link (click to follow)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 134
First Release: Jul 26, 2024
Last Update: Nov 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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