DuelCraft icon

DuelCraft -----

A Simple Dueling Plugin for Minecraft Servers.


A Simple Dueling Plugin for Minecraft Servers.

Note: This description might not be the most up-to-date, check https://github.com/CKAY-9/duelcraft for the most updated information

  • Dueling system
  • Win/loss/kills/deaths tracking
  • Configurable
  • GUI
How to Install
  1. Download the latest release of DuelCraft
  2. Drop the `duelcraft-version.jar` file into your server's `./plugin` folder
  3. Reload/restart your server
  4. You're done
How to Use
Players are able to engage in duels via the command `/duel [opponent_name]`. The opponent will have to accept the request before the duel starts. Duel requests expire after a configurable amount of time. Additionally, the command `/duel` will open a GUI for players to select who to challenge.


- `/duel [player_name]`: If player_name is left blank (e.g. `/duel`), this command will open a GUI menu to interact with DuelCraft. If player_name is provided (e.g. `/duel CKAY_9`), it will try to send a duel challenge to the provided player.

Developing (also useful to server owners)
DuelCraft uses Spigot API v1.20.6, but works with (from what I have tested) Minecraft v1.20.6+. The structure of DuelCraft as a system is pretty simple.

Initialization, onEnable()
  • Initialize storage files (config and data) and register tasks, listeners, commands, etc.

User Interaction
  • Handle user inputs, either through the command or the GUI
  • (GUI) Either invite/create a duel, accept a duel, or view admin utilities (OP permissions required)
  • (Command) Open GUI if no arguments are provided, otherwise send duel challenge to the first argument

  • Matches have three "phases" (booleans): accepted, started, ended
  • Players can't send other invites if they already have an outgoing request
  • Once the challenged player accepts, a five second countdown starts where the "arena world" (flat world) is generated (`accepted = true`)
  • At the end of the countdown, the players are teleported to the arena world at different locations (`±(arena_radius * 0.5)` on the center X position) and given the items provided in the config (`started = true`)
  • Matches end when a player will be below `0.5` HP (half a heart), leave, or just die. Another five second countdown begins, match results are announced (`ended = true`)
  • At the end of the countdown, the players are teleported back to their original location (world and position) and given their items back

  • Player data is saved in a file named `/plugins/DuelCraft/data.yml`
  • Players stats are updated at the end of each match
  • YAML layout:

wins: int
losses: int
kills: int
deaths: int

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 89
First Release: Jul 25, 2024
Last Update: Jul 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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