# Tradit
A <a href="
https://www.spigotmc.org/">spigot</a> reports plugin made specifically as a counter against the players that annoy
other players and to help staff ensure a great experience for all players in the server.
### Benefits:
- Simple
- Easy to use
- Customizable messages and permissions in config.yml
- Can be easily maintained and modified (since it's open source)
### Requirements
- Java 8
- MongoDB database
- Kyori Adventure Lib in your server at runtime (by using paper as your server-software OR just embed it into another plugin)
- Spigot server version 1.8+
### Commands
`/report <player> <reason..>` is the main usage for Tradit's main command
the purpose of this command is self explantory !
`/tradit reload` reloads the config.yml of the plugin. <br>
**NOTE:** if you change something in the database section, you **MUST RESTART** the server, <br>
reloading the config only won't do anything !
### Permissions
- `command.tradit.report` (allows the player to execute the command) **(CANNOT BE CUSTOMIZED)**
- `command.tradit.reload` (allows the player to execute the reload config command) **(CANNOT BE CUSTOMIZED)**
- `tradit.report.receive` (allows players/staff to receive the report sent) **(CUSTOMIZABLE)**
- `tradit.report.bypass` (allows the player to become immune to getting reported) **(CUSTOMIZABLE)**
### Help
If you need any support regarding using Tradit or any of my projects,<br>
you are welcome to join my <a href="
https://discord.gg/rCmywTvfAj">Discord server</a> for any assistance