Daily Rewards: Obtain 3 free daily rewards from a GUI operated system.
Preview Rewards: Preview all the rewards you have a chance of winning, in the preview menu.
Daily Cooldown: Wait 24 hours before claiming your next rewards.
Customizable Menus: Customize each menu to your likings.
Customizable Messages: Customize each message to your likings.
SQLite / MySQL: Compatible with SQLite and MySQL.
Super Easy Config: Very simple and easy configuration, perfect for any beginner configurator!
Permissions and Commands
/daily - Opens the daily menus.
/dailyhelp - Provides a list of commands.
/dailyreset <player> - Resets tje daily reward for a player.
/dailyreload - Reloads the plugin.
What makes WelcomeBack unique?
Players get to pick 3 random rewards within the daily rewards GUI.
Players can see all possible rewards they can obtain via the preview GUI.
Extremely customizable for admins in the config.yml
Players will receive a message in chat to notify them to claim their rewards.
Multiple databases.
Plugin Preview
Code (YAML):
type: sqlite
# Change to "mysql" for MySQL support sqlite:
file: "dailyrewards.db" mysql:
host: "localhost" port: 3306
database: "dailyrewards" username: "root" password: "password" messages:
prefix: "&d&lDaily &8» " reward_received: "&aYou received: %item%" no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." reload_success: "&aDailyRewards config reloaded successfully." already_claimed: "&cYou have already claimed your daily rewards. Wait for %time%." reminder: "&aDon't forget to claim your daily reward! &2Use /daily to claim." reset_success: "&aSuccessfully reset the daily reward cooldown for %player%." reset_notification: "&aYour daily reward cooldown has been reset by an admin." help: - '&f'
- '&f'
- '&f/daily &7- Opens the main Daily Rewards Menu.'
- '&f/dailyhelp &7- Shows this message.'
- '&f/dailyreset <player> &7- Resets the daily reward for the player.'
- '&f/dailyreload &7- Reloads the plugin.'
- '&f'
interval: 3600
# Interval in seconds between notifications (e.g., 3600 seconds = 1 hour) gui:
title: "&aDaily Rewards" size: 27
material: CHEST
name: "&aDaily Rewards" lore: -
"&7Click to claim your daily reward!" slot: 11
material: BARRIER
name: "&cAlready Claimed - %time%" lore: -
"&7You have already claimed your daily rewards." -
"&7Come back in %time%." slot: 11
material: BOOK
name: "&bRewards Preview" lore: -
"&7Click to preview possible rewards" slot: 15
title: "&aDaily Rewards" size: 27
title: "&aRewards Preview" size: 27
name: '&a$100 Money'
material: EMERALD
lore: [] chance: 50
commands: - eco give
%player_name% 100 '2':
name: '&a$200 Money'
material: EMERALD
lore: [] chance: 30
commands: - eco give
%player_name% 200 '3':
name: '&a$500 Money &b
[Bonus Cash!
material: DIAMOND
lore: - '&fEnjoy some &bBonus Cash&f!'
chance: 20
commands: - eco give
%player_name% 500
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