AutoSell is a plugin that simplifies selling items on your Minecraft server, whether it's prison or survival, autosell got your back.
Here's what it does:
Selling Options:
Players can sell items with commands or through a menu
AutoSell feature lets players
earn money while they play
Add sell boosters that can stack
Set them to last for a
specific time or
Easily manage them with commands
Customizable Prices:
different prices for each item
prices quickly using our GUI
User-Friendly Menus:
Shows all items players can sell
Admin Tools:
Remove/Add blocks through the
Admin Panel
Change prices in
Filter to only see unset blocks
Easy to Customize:
Change all the messages players see
Modify how the menus look
Behind the Scenes:
Uses a
database to keep player info safe
Designed to not slow down your server (
helps you manage your server's
economy without hassle. It's
straightforward to set up and gives you the tools to create a selling system that
fits your server
# ###################################################### # MESSAGES # # ###################################################### messages:
player-only: "&cOnly players can use this command." sell-all:
success: "&aSold {amount} items for ${price}" no-items: "&cNo items to sell." sell-hand:
no-item: "&cYou must be holding an item to sell." cannot-sell: "&cThis item cannot be sold." success: "&aSold {amount}x {item} for ${price}" auto-sell:
enabled: "&aAutoSell has been enabled." disabled: "&cAutoSell has been disabled." auto-sold: "&aAutoSell: Sold {amount} items for ${price}" help:
header: "&6===== AutoSell Help =====" toggle: "&e/autosell toggle &7- Toggle automatic selling" catalog: "&e/autosell catalog &7- Open sell catalog" admin: "&e/autosell admin &7- Open admin view" multiplier:
general: "&cUsage: /multiplier <add|remove|list> <player> [multiplier name]" add-remove: "&cUsage: /multiplier <add|remove> <player> <multiplier name>" player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found." invalid-action: "&cInvalid action. Use 'add', 'remove', or 'list'." list:
no-multipliers: "&e{player} has no active multipliers." header: "&eActive multipliers for {player}:" entry: " &6{name}: &bx{value} &7(Duration: {duration})" description: " &7Description: {description}" add:
success: "&aAdded multiplier {multiplier} to {player}" failure: "&cFailed to add multiplier. Check if the multiplier exists." remove:
success: "&aRemoved multiplier {multiplier} from {player}" failure: "&cFailed to remove multiplier. Check if the player has this multiplier." error: "&cAn error occurred while processing the multiplier command."
multiplier.admin -> Allows to add/remove multipliers
multiplier.use -> Allows to use /multiplier list
sellhand.use -> Allows to use the sellhand command
sellall.use -> Allows to use the sellall command
autosell.admin -> Access to Admin Panel
autosell.catalog -> Access to Catalog GUI
autosell.toggle -> Auto sell permission
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